Community Referendum: Re-Permanently-Ban Bryce

After considerable agitation and trying to get Bryce to walk away without demanding a ban or account deletion, he insisted upon it, and was granted it. ggoreo did the work to delete the account and all posts, after which Bryce elects to slap him in the face for this effort by re-registering his account with the same avatar and coming back to post. Quite frankly, it’s pretty insulting.

Pernamently Ban Bryce Again
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Zero substance, attention seeking, not funny. Just an endless stream of nonsense. Bye.


I dunno, talk it out with ggeoro and Bryce?

Permanently, I dunno honestly, very tough call.

I’d like to hear other options for punishment other than permaban.

He showed poor judgement by not coming back as FakeBryce, but I would cut him some slack all the same. After all, just before the ban a bunch of people expressed a wish that he would stay.

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This is true at every step along the way, though. He took the two week ban and despite people not wanting to see him go and efforts to stop him short of a full account deletion, he insisted on it, and then pissed all over it.

As I stated when I reported Bryce’s post to the mods, that is possibly the shittiest thing I have ever seen a user do to an admin. The fact that some people reacted as if it were just a hilarious joke shows how little the time and efforts of the people who keep this place going are valued.


If I’m to vote as a member of the jury/community, is it possible to hear from bryce or at least whoever would be his “defense attorney” in this case?

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What did Bryce do?

Maybe you should do this first if you perma him.

How much effort was it for ggoreo to delete the posts?

He’s kind of quirky and so I assumed it was not malicious, and so it struck me as very funny. But apparently that is not respecting the proper authorities or whatever to have a laugh over it.

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The new account has only read the forum for a total of 2 minutes so I think a charitable reading is that he was actually just saying thanks and then leaving.


Could be, give it 24hours?

Bryce had already been presented with this option. He rejected it and demanded special treatment above and beyond this. Then his pissed all over ggoreo’s extra effort

Is it possible there’s something in his post history that might doxx him and he doesn’t want to hint at what it is but he wants to delete it?

idk, permaban seems really extreme. I get that this wasted a lot of everyone’s time. I’d at least like to hear his explanation for all this.


Is it more charitable to assume he knew and shit on oreo on purpose?

I don’t really want to hear an explanation. That would just encourage more of this type of behavior.

I am not following this. If it would not be too much trouble, could someone lay out the “steps” in this journey, starting with Bryce’s original request, etc. (Don’t bother if it is any significant effort.) Thanks.

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From what I’m gathering Bryce requested all his posts be deleted and to be banned or something so ggoreo took the time to do that because there’s not an easy one click way to do it and then Bryce made another account and said thanks.