The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

If you are sitting in the middle and don’t know your seatmates, then you presumably are flying basic economy and don’t have status. Thus, those armrests don’t belong to you and using them is a form of stealing. See the Flyertalk forums for further elaboration.


I see a big flaw in this illustration, which is that the depicted passengers are tiny and have plenty of free space in their seats. In real life (at least in the US), at least one, and likely two, of the passengers would have rolls of fat flowing up onto the armrests… Hard to abide by the “great compromise” when you’re wedged in like a hog in a slaughter chute.


Very true. Several years ago, I was flying back from Vegas on Southwest. I was late to the airport and was the last person to board the full plane. The only seat left was next to an incredibly large person who just completely flowed over the armrest. (The armrest wouldn’t even go completely down.) I didn’t say anything during the flight, because what do you even say in that situation? But I sent a letter to Southwest afterwards describing the issue, and they gave me a free RT ticket. Which is nice, but I would have definitely preferred the expected seat space.

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I get it’s very uncomfortable for someone to deliver the message, but mega fatties need to pay for 2 seats.

I always give the armrest to the middle seat person. Flyer Talk regs make me hate humanity.

Wait, was the Flyer Talk thing not satire?

FYI if you see an uncomfortable obese person in the aisle seat - there’s a button on the aisle armrest, usually at the back underneath near the hinge, that will allow them to lift the armrest. I’ve told a few folks that looked uncomfortable about it and they were thankful.

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A couple of days ago, boss scolded the teachers via email about having to come to school even if your classes are no longer running. I feel that was targeted at me.

I am about to leave and get to the school all on time and uh-oh I gotta take a crap. Gotta suck it up and be late for a class that no longer exists* because I’m not walking to school holding my ass cheeks together hoping that I don’t have to take a crap.

I get in about 10-15 minutes late and who do I run into? My boss. Felt like Office Space when Peter runs into Lumbergh trying to sneak out of work early.

*Senior classes run to the end of April. Apparently, we have to be in during those times even if those classes are no longer running.

Walked out of school to see a few students who were “absent” blowing off the school day to drink…less than 100 meters away from the school. I could practically see them from the entrance of the school for fuck’s sake. Prague is a huge city with shit to do and they spend their day off getting hammered on a side street near where they’re supposed to be.

I’m not even annoyed at them blowing off my class. That happens plenty of times. I’m more annoyed at them being so shitty at it that I fucking caught them.

Teens rarely face serious repercussions for this stuff so they probably enjoyed “rubbing your nose in it” by being so obvious about it. Teens are unpredictable that way.

Thought that was possible. But I’d have to care enough to actually do something about it and there’s a week left in the school year for skipping class to have an effect on me.

Figure I just rib them in class instead of failing them for the test they missed.

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One of the best things to do in Prague is to drink but doing it almost within eyeshot of school is pretty funny.

All repubs are high earners tho, checkmate

Can’t think of a worse punishment :joy: hope the winner got a lot to have to risk such a horrible fate

Iyam, it sounds like he was the real winner of the league. Love me some Waffle House.


They forgot Kissinger.


So has the Grim Reaper, unfortunately.


It’s too bad Jeff couldn’t get himself stuck in space even if he wanted to.


Buzzed and had 2nd vaccine Monday. It fucked me up and I slept until Wednesday morning pretty much. Tempted to try and find some food and people somewhere for the first time in 15 months. JFC.