The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Not a racial component man. I just have bright white skin damn near albino skin color.

Iā€™m so white Iā€™m translucent - along with skinny hairless legs - so know where youā€™re coming from. I wear shorts occasionly but prefer loose light linen/cotton trousers when itā€™s hot. The shorts I do have are long shorts rather than short shorts.

Are we talking obese Kevin Smith shorts or skinny?

Had to look up Kevin Smith ā€¦ lol no not like those - donā€™t want to look like a complete tit. Llight coloured bermuda shorts work for me when I dare expose my chicken legs :chicken:

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I donā€™t remember ever saying this. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve said since the beginning that itā€™s a pain in the ass. Unless @anon46587892 knows an easy way, Iā€™m kind of busy and donā€™t want to deal with it.

If I already told you I would (itā€™s entirely possible I forgot but I donā€™t feel like I did) then I can try to figure it out. I think anonymizing your account would be the easiest way to accomplish what you want but Iā€™m not sure what the community has decided about doing that. Iā€™m theoretically fine just fucking doing it, I donā€™t really give a shit anymore if itā€™s not a pain in the ass.

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Anonomizing posts makes no sense. If thereā€™s only one person on the entire forum who has done it, itā€™s not really anonmyous is it?

To the outside though, it would be pretty anonymous. Iā€™ve considered doing this to myself as a backup plan in case anyone tries to use anything Iā€™ve posted here to blackmail or trainwreck me (it happened before on 2p2).

In cases like this, it makes sense to anonymize. However, in this case, I donā€™t really understand the reason. If it were up to me I donā€™t really want people just anonymizing accounts willy nilly because it ruins the integrity of the website. Think of how annoying those old 2p2 threads are where all the images are dead, or someone has been otbcā€™d. It makes the site worse.

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I can delete all of Bryceā€™s posts easily enough, or anonymize or completely delete the whole account. Iā€™m just not sure what weā€™ve landed on regarding all of that stuff and Iā€™m not making unilateral decisions about anything, so someone entrusted to make decisions (i.e. one of the @moderators) tell me what to do and Iā€™ll do it. Iā€™m happy to click whatever buttons as long as I donā€™t have to decide which ones.


Hi Bryce, is there some sort of problem for you that requires anonymizing your account or deleting your posts, or is it more that you just want to make a clean break? If your feelings are more the latter, I think weā€™d rather just ban you if you can live with that. If there is more to it than that, then could you offer something to me via PM? Is there some middle ground, like deleting a few posts you most regret and leave the rest?

Can you guys think of an industry/product that was more popular say 20-100 years ago than now, but that most of the companies that exist now to serve the industry and/or produce that product were founded relatively recently despite the product being more popular in the past still?

Iā€™m not sure there is a good example here, but the best one I could think of is record players, where there are a bunch of companies that make a record player these to serve this niche. Although these are not companies created to build record players, just existing companies that added the product to their line.

This is to help me teach an LSAT question better. There may be no answer for what Iā€™m asking.

Maybe something like using busses for travel? There are tons of small, upstart companies now but that doesnā€™t mean busses are more popular than they were in the past when Greyhound ran a bigger network or whatever?


As a fellow big white guy I think you can get away with knee length+ cargo shorts and decent sandals.

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I think photographic film fits. There are a bunch of makers who took over old manufacturing facilities and techniques after the big players exited.



Where is that?

Atlas at the entrance to the New Hermitage in Leningrad, 1931

Is it gone now?

i have no idea what it is, even

Iā€™ll miss you Bryce. I hope you come back when your Orwellian nightmare is over. Youā€™re among friends here and welcome any time.

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