The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

What the fuck is this bullshit about suspending elected officials? The article doesn’t even explain how/why it is possible.

It’s an aspect of Florida law, most states don’t have it. I have heard of one removal thrown out in court for not sufficient cause.

Man this DeSantis ex felons who voted crackdown thing is very cool.

I think this is very cool and good and would most certainly disagree with any suggestion that everyone involved should be executed.


Chapo on Trump vs Ron somewhere around ~35min

Matt is a smart guy but he’s a dogshit pundit. He’s consistently wrong about everything. The idea the trump raid is helping him is absurd.

It’s hurting him with Republicans?

I assume that teachers really break DEM and he just gives no fucks.

So you guys think DeSäntis will be Präz?

Trump is going to pick his teeth with this clown’s bones


Man I don’t know. Just no juice here.

Serious Nazi Dukakis vibes.


Yeah, that’s some real Yawn DeSantis energy.


Apple is limiting freeze peach. Because of the First Amendment Congress must now nationalize Apple. It is the only way to fight China and Communism!

A Republican, some time next year (or week).

might be hubris, but i pretty much welcome this development. let dirty ronnie tie himself to the sinking ship that is twirtter and musk.

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he’s been copying trmp’s mannerisms since 2020. his best one is the accordion with spread out fingers, but it still somehow doesn’t work. desantis just doesn’t know what to do with his hands ever. plus trmp is the whole package, walk and talk. desantis has none of the oratory

One Trump’s big advantages is that he’s not play acting, he’s a genuinely ignorant racist stupid asshole. Other ignorant racist stupid assholes love that He Says What They’re All Thinking. The Cruz and DeSantis types are Ivy Leaguers play acting at being redneck populists. It always sounds forced and stupid.


LOL is he is giving a speech in front of a plane to be like Trump?

He’s been doing it for a few years. It’s super obvious, hilarious, and a little sad.