The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Haven’t we already lost like 3 years since 2019? 5-10 years lost seems pretty realistic. Hopefully we claw some back with improved vaccines and therapeutics, and those of us able to dodge it or dodge multiple infections until then are basically able to dodge the loss all together.

Yeah, we really just dont have enough data yet. Waves are getting more frequent over time, so should have a lot of good data for reinfections by this time next year.

Nah that’s not going to work. You see, Trump did win by enough to exceed the margin of theft. He won by a lot. And if Ron tries to act like he didn’t, he will get dragged.



LOL all these people

A person close to Mr. Trump said he wasn’t concerned about other would-be 2024 candidates, including former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and several conservative senators.

Will be interesting to see what the lane is:

Another Republican who talks to the former president said, “Trump wants to find something harder to say but really can’t because DeSantis has played it well.”

Worst person good point meme

In December, Mr. Trump was booed by supporters after saying he received a booster shot. The governor—who publicized his first vaccine shot—had refused to say whether he had received a second shot, prompting Mr. Trump to say politicians who wouldn’t disclose their status were “gutless.”

So remember when Desantis was going to remove the Reedy Creek Improvement District (the special unit of government that allows DIsney World to operate as an actual government) in retaliation for Disney’s lukewarm opposition to “Don’t Say Gay?” So, apparently everyone involved realized that would actually be a huge financial windfall for Disney which suddenly wouldn’t owe billions in bonds which would instead have to be borne by the government that took Reedy Creek over. So now DeSantis is going to repeal Reedy Creek and replace it with another district that is identical to Reedy Creek in every way except Disney loses the ability to construct a nuclear power plant on property (which is not something that Disney has actually wanted to do since like 1970). Lol Desantis.


Classic. Once they generate the initial explosion of outrage stories with whatever “issue” they decide to push (in a top-down, coordinated manner) then the complete lack of any follow-up stories on the capitulation/abandonment of those issues doesn’t matter. No accountability whatsoever. Media failure.


Dear Patriot,

America is at a crossroads…

America is in grave danger from the Radical Left and their failed, socialist, woke policies. The America-First agenda MUST be revived.

Ron has fought back against CRT and the inappropriate exposure of young children to sexually explicit content. When Disney aligned with the woke Left instead of policies protecting children, he revoked its tax privileges proving he is not afraid to stand up to even the most powerful corporations

I loved the punchline

Florida is a model for ALL of America to follow. Don’t you wish the rest of America looked like Florida right now?

You mean like a limp dick?

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Not even trying here

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Ron Desantis in private:



We are do for a simulation reset

My pony is slow but has the direct comparison.


Trump is going to destroy this guy.

Grand Juries can also be used to investigate things and issue reports regarding public policy. They have subpoena power, and can investigate things that are at least criminal-adjacent even if the end result isn’t that somebody should be charged with a crime. They can make findings of fact regarding the evidence presented to them, and include those findings in the report.

Edit: In practice the report itself is drafted by the official presenting the evidence, in consultation with the grand jury, which ultimately issues the report. The factual findings contained in the report are the findings of the grand jury itself.

Second Edit: By way of example, here’s a famous one that was done on Long Island to investigate systemic Catholic Church abuse of children: Suffolk County Grand Jury Report [Rockville Centre Diocese], February 10, 2003