The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

C’mon man. Have you not heard of “little man syndrome” or “Napoleon complex”? There’s a significant number of guys who are hopelessly consumed by their lack of height. You can probably spot them in a minute. They’re overly aggressive and spend a bunch of time in the gym trying to buff up to compensate for their shortness.

i’m 6’5" and always wanted to be 6’9" or so.

it is a BIG deal especially in republican politics now i think with the weird “alpha” male obsession going on. hard to look alpha when you are looking up at another man in your photo Op. remember these are some of the same base that did that whole lines on the photo to show that leaning in was beta.

I think resentment over being short is also part of the whole Eliot Rodger incel thing.

There is a lot of pressure to be tall. It’s one of the most important physical attributes females look for in a male partner. Not all women but ranked it’s near the top.

Plus respect they feel taller guys get. I am over 6 foot so I don’t really relate but the struggle seems real. Although I know plenty of shorter guys who have no issues with it. But it’s a huge insecurity for many guys.

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I sort of enjoy being short enough to fly comfortably in coach.

6 4, would probably prefer 6 3. 6 5 and up is too freaky tho

I think that this is one of the most overstated “facts.” Yes, women prefer taller men, and in general do tend to date taller guys, but not nearly as much as people like to claim. Studies show that the claimed preference by women isn’t matched by their actual dating habits. Basically, in the abstract you ask a woman what she wants, she’s going to say a guy that is 8-10 inches taller than her (and also a bunch of other things like rich, educated, full head of hair, etc.), but are actually perfectly fine dating guys much closer in height to them.

As long as you’re not super short, it doesn’t really matter that much. One study looked at number of sexual partners vs. height and found that so long as you’re average height, taller guys didn’t get laid much more. The same study found that being overweight, was a much bigger detriment.

It does definitely effect people for things like on-line dating/speed dating/bars - where woman get to instantly reject any guy that doesn’t meet their requirements. This probably leads to a lot of the insecurity of smaller men - that and everyone telling them it’s hard to be short, which can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if you buy into that.

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getting women is about making her laugh and how she feels about you. Height is just a minor piece. They think overwhelmingly most of us are ugly anyway.

What a weird dip for women who are 6’0 and 6’1

6’5" master race… or more likely just the biggest liars.

Tall people saying “height isn’t that important” is like rich people saying “money isn’t everything”


People like confidence. Short, confident guys do better with women than tall awkward guys (definitely not speaking from personal experience here). Maybe it’s easier to be confident if you’re tall because it’s one thing not to worry about?

People definitely don’t like fakers.

I dunno, I bet Vivek and Ronald are the same height, and I tend to think Vivek doesn’t worry about it.

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Those top few entries for both men and women are probably just wonky due to sample size.

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If someone were to play that at a DeSantis event, that would be epic.


Vermin Supreme has entered the chat!

“But someone who did get wind of them was Vermin Supreme, a longtime novelty presidential candidate who happens to have made a name for himself by wearing a rubber boot on his head.”

"One post on X, formerly Twitter, that he amplified states definitively in all-caps: “There is only one man who can wear a boot on his head and his name is Vermin Supreme!”

Gotta admit, I know about the John Barron alias, but did not know about Vermin Supreme.

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I think I may have voted for Vermin Supreme in 2004.

Yeah, this.

Height privilege is real.