The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

i’ve seen other pictures and know this isn’t breaking any new ground, but can you fucking imagine walking around in boots like that all day just to appear 4” taller?!? jfc

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he’s walking around like a woman so he appears taller than women.

edit: somebody said he’s wearing gender-affirming footwear ahahaha

also i just realized that in 2024, it’s probably a better use of money ahead of debates to hire joke-writers than it would be to hire speech-writers.

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American, but especially Republicans aren’t voting for a midget. You would have a better chance as a trans woman in a GOP primary.

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Why do the toes curl up? Are the shoes several sizes too long, too, so his toes aren’t in them and the ends of the shoes bent up from walking?

I think that’s pretty normal if he’s wearing pointy cowboy boots.

If those aren’t boots I agree it looks absurd and requires an explanation.

I think he just got crushed by Dorothy’s house.


Yeah he’s on lifts inside the boots

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The thing about Praetorian Guards is they generally have the next guy ready to go if the current dictator doesn’t keep them happy. I don’t think that’s the case here.

Sometimes they don’t have a plan ahead of time and they just grab the nearest guy and make him the boss–I learned that watching I, Claudius.



Aren’t all the imported beers actually domestic?


Had the same thought. Fat Tire is by New Belgium Brewing which is based in colorado. But has Belgium in the name so that makes it imported to these idiots. Angry Orchard is from NY, but no true patriot drinks adult apple juice, so…imported. Blue Moon is from Coors in Colorado, but is Belgium style so again, imported. Stella is now fully manufactured in the US, but its got a fancy foreign sounding second word in the name, so…imported. Corona is obviously chinese. White Claw is all American but for reasons…IMPORTED!!!

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If you are a republican, meaning you have never been more than 200 miles from your birthplace, then everything is exotic.


Republicans are rich enough to travel. Most flights are probably 75-25 GOP. 95-5 in business/first.