The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

We Got Him!

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Donald Trump definitely is as well

I bet like five people have to agree after an in depth discussion to send this tweet.

What’s the plan here, arrest Fauchi and put him on trial or just murder him?

Por que no las dos?

The plan is to rant and rave and get all the CHUDs riled up and frothing at the mouth, then ultimately do nothing and get all the oohs and ahhhs from 2 braincell “I’m an independent” voters who think he’s some sort of centrist moderate for not following through.

He’s like when a bad football coach tries to copy something they see the Chiefs do and then trip over their dicks when they try it. Trying to be a dollar general version of Trump just isn’t going to cut it.

Also, so was it not China and really the US that we are blaming now?

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Fauci is in cahoots with China ldo


Surely their constituents will see through these ideological inconsistencies and make them pay at the ballot box.


The existence of secret high heels for men is something I am just finding out about and it is kind of blowing my mind. Is it really a big deal to be a little bit shorter than average for a guy? Seems implausible to me that these are going to make your life any better, but maybe I just don’t understand people I dunno.



Yes, height is a really big deal in American society. Being taller will make your life better, all else equal.

eh, I’m tall–I’m not good enough for the NBA so it’s overrated.

As a kid I hated being tall - I was the “so tall that it’s weird” kid until high school when other people began to catch up. But after that I definitely think it has been an advantage.

I’m 6’1 and wouldn’t want to be any taller. I still fit in airplane seats and dont hit my head on doorways. The world is not built for people much taller.

6’2 and wish I was 6’4. Spiderwebs in the face is the only downside.


6’ and would definitely go for 6’3" if I could

I stopped growing in 7th grade :expressionless:

This is hilarious and is presumably fake, no way the relationship is that clean

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Except for living shorter lives.

Probably fake news, but I’m on team average ftw

Only because taller people weigh more so the heart gives out faster. Probably a better ratio of good living to bad end of life living as a result.