The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

I’m not hating the idea…

…but yeah this.

Just film all sexual encounters. If you can make the other party scream out “Yes!”, that counts.

Just busted out laughing in a toilet cubicle.

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Wow it’s been 11 days since we checked in on Puddin Fingers? How’s it going?

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is losing his clout in Florida.

College boards, stacked with DeSantis appointees, are rejecting job candidates with ties to the governor.

The chair of the Republican Party of Florida urged executive committee members to attend all GOP candidate events — giving cover to party faithful who want to attend a dinner at Mar-a-Lago with former President Donald Trump.

And the board that oversees many of Florida’s affordable housing programs this month placed on leave its executive director, who was helped into the job by a top DeSantis adviser.

Interviews with nearly two dozen lobbyists, political consultants and lawmakers revealed that DeSantis’ struggles as a presidential candidate have already eroded his influence in Florida. There is a widespread expectation that his candidacy will end in failure. His standing at home may depend on how long he slogs forward in the presidential campaign — and how he will manage his exit from the race if he eventually drops out.

Now, it may be just a matter of time before Florida Republicans, once unflinchingly loyal, seek distance from DeSantis and his hardball governing methods.

State Rep. Daniel Perez, the Miami Republican in line to become the next state House speaker, urged his GOP colleagues this week to move more carefully in the future, saying that “the problem with wielding the power of government like a hammer is that the people start looking like nails.”

Perez insisted his comment was not a “message to the governor,” but added, “That being said, the Legislature can’t work alone, the Legislature works with the governor.”

And no matter how he framed his comments, Perez’s words were being viewed as a rejoinder to DeSantis. One Tallahassee lobbyist said it was a signal that the “conveyor belt” Legislature that passed whatever DeSantis wanted is coming to an end.

A major lobbyist in Tallahassee said: “There’s no love lost between the Legislature and DeSantis. … They are faking it. They are waiting long enough to see the king drained of all his power. It’s a slow-motion coup.”

Beyond the capitol, trustees at Pasco-Hernando State College, a small public school near Tampa, bucked DeSantis this week by choosing a new president over an official from the governor’s administration, state Juvenile Justice Secretary Eric Hall, who was a finalist for the position, the Tampa Bay Times reported this week.

It was surprising, because the majority of trustees of the college were appointed by DeSantis in June.

Earlier this month, the board of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, the state’s affordable housing agency, placed its executive director on leave over allegations that he created a hostile work environment, among other issues. The executive director, Mike DiNapoli, was appointed by DeSantis.

And billionaire Ken Griffin, who moved to Miami recently, previously spent $10 million total on DeSantis’ 2018 and 2022 gubernatorial elections. But he told CNBC that he’s sitting out the 2024 cycle and doesn’t understand who DeSantis is trying to appeal to.

The governor still has his supporters — and those who fear him. Most of the people interviewed for this story were granted anonymity because they worried about retribution.

Okay it is always nearly impossible to figure out what a bunch of morons are thinking, but…this is what they wanted? Like, they literally changed the law in Florida so that Puddin would not have to resign as Governor in order to run for President. They could have already been rid of this guy. I just don’t get why now, suddenly, they don’t like him anymore and won’t rubber-stamp whatever he wants because he’s losing in the primary, when the entire reason for passing that law was so he could continue on as Governor if he lost the primary. Then again, they are Republicans soooo


I suspect many of them were thinking that the point was so that he could still be Governor if he lost the general to cheatin’ Joe Biden.

well he was a winner driving a once blue/purple state into deep red but the more attention/exposure he got the more he looks like a loser

dude had it made for at least a few gov elections or up to if there’s a max term in FL and went for it, am I supposed to respect that or laugh at it I’m fine with a little of the first one and a lot of the latter.

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It’s what happens when you have no actual guiding principles and your only guiding principles you seek in your leaders is “Being a winner”

They had to kiss his ass because he might have become president, but since he is now just a lame duck governor and not going to be president they want to claim their powers back for themselves.

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If I remember correctly he’s term limited as governor and there’s not a senate seat open for a while so he has no place to go so there’s little reason to support him based on future prospects and his polling suggests that following down his rhetorical and policy path isn’t popular with the base so the rats are jumping ship.


They thought he was taking Florida to a place of global prominence but turns out to be global ridicule instead.


Not sure if this belongs here or in the lolmedia thread because lolnewsweek, nothing will change

How soon people seem to forget about the annointed one.

Trump still looking at pretty solid odds he’s in jail, so Meatball Ron has a path.

Yup he’s just trying to stay viable until (if) Trump becomes non viable (as a candidate or otherwise).

ron won’t win the nomination anyway not in this era

haley is wayyyy better at game of thrones than he is and isn’t as boring

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Meatball checks all the boxes (bland, rants about woke, will give country club Republicans the tax cuts they want) except that he is so objectionably unlikeable that he will instantly turn off disengaged, once every four years voters. That’s a pretty big constituency to give up in the general election.

Trump can run for office in jail.

Imagine thinking trump will go to jail. Jesus.

Can’t you invite him up to Canada and detain him there for something?

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