The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Running for second place and hoping DJT gets got seems like the only possible way to win.


DeSantis/Ramaswamy battle rap one time dealer.

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He still won’t win.

I’m embarrassed that I thought this guy was the favorite for the nomination.

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If Trump is somehow prevented from running, who’s the favorite? Honestly I think anything is possible. Puddin’ Ron has a better chance than many of these clowns.

Probably someone not in the field right now. (I’d guess Youngkin, but wouldn’t rule out a few others)

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Should he hammer Vivek Idontwannarememberhislastnamy with racist dog whistles?

Tucker Carlson should run.

That way he could clear out his inventory of unsold books.

Like that’s the only strategy that could win but if that’s your strategy then you’re already a massive favorite to lose.

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Mom’s sister’s husband. His brother.

DeathSantis hoping for a blue shell.


They’d have choice but DeSantis.

Strategist Says DeSantis Memo Leak Is ‘The Dumbest Thing I’ve Seen In A Long Time’ (

The memo in question presented four key goals for DeSantis at the debate:

  1. Attack Joe Biden and the media 3-5 times.

  2. State [DeSantis’] positive vision 2-3 times.

  3. Hammer Vivek Ramaswamy in a response.

  4. Defend Donald Trump in absentia in response to a Chris Christie attack.

“Leaking this is like, the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of dumb things,” Begala said of the memo. “If Gov. DeSantis wants to defend Donald Trump, well that is Donald Trump’s job. He has plenty of defenders.”

Begala added that DeSantis’ team had put the governor in a terrible position ahead of the Aug. 23 debate, “because now, everything he says in the debate, we’re all going to say, ’Oh, that was scripted. That was false.’”

The other candidates mentioned in the memo, business executive Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, should “send the DeSantis super PAC a fruit basket or something and thank them,” Begala said.

The memo also directed DeSantis to “Invoke a personal anecdote story about family, kids, Casey, showing emotion,” and suggested specific lines he could use to defend Trump and attack Ramaswamy.


I’m definitely looking forward to this debate. It’ll be better without Trump, we all know what happens with him there.


I can’t imagine how much money it would take to force me to watch this. You must be a true masochist!

Is every R candidate besides C Christie in the “In case Donald gets got I’m Donald Lite” role?


No it won’t. It’ll be boring as hell.

Debates are trash entertainment without the trashiness. These guys should be launching insults at each other nonstop but they don’t. So lame.

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Not really. You have to be white to fill that role. So it can’t be Haley, Scott, or Ramaswamy.

Pence really can’t be that either.

I guess that leaves DeSantis and some randoms.