The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

When people say Donald getting got do they mean the 14th amendment? Death? He’ll still run from prison.

Yeah, I remember watching the JV debate in 2016 expecting at least some entertainment and the only attack was Carly Fiorina saying Hillary Clinton is bad.

Democrats don’t have a monopoly on born losers.

It means that the third section of the 14th amendment precludes insurrectionists from holding office unless two thirds of each house of congress rehabilitates them. I don’t know it gets enforced. Since reconstruction it has been used once.

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Nearly single digits in polling now and not even second alone. How long before he packs it in?

I’m struggling to find a comparable flameout, Jeb held on for way longer and Scott Walker was never that high in the polls.

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The sooner he folds, the sooner I can pay @Melkerson and end this bloodbath. LOL. I got this call about as wrong as you can. He’s still a DeFascist though. A soulless, joyless, no rizz fascist.


I think Scott Walker is the clear comp.

Guy everyone anoints as the next big thing on the right without giving any thought to the fact that he’s a known uncharismatic weirdo


I agree that Scott Walker is the best comparison.

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Staying on the sidelines and then getting “drafted” IF Trump gets dumped.

Youngkin? Noem?

Who else?

I doubt they’ll nominate a woman. Noem is a full on culture warrior but the sexism is a major obstacle.

Youngkin seems too normal. How can the base pivot from Donnie Dumb Dumb to some Harvard/private equity guy? They’ll be bored out their minds.

Depending on when Trump drops, the establishment might get a chance to annoint someone.

Of course if Trump is taken off involuntarily by the GOP, that would be the best possible outcome.

Would MTG try and grab the mantle?

I think MTG gets wrecked on the national stage just like DeSantis. And I don’t think she’s got that Trump juice - Donnie Dumb Dumb gets under the skin of normies because he’s a spoiled rich kid narcissist but because he’s a rich white man, he got way too much slack from the self serious media. NYT/WJ types will believe that Trump capitalized on “economic anxiety”, and normies got frustrated with trying to balance that myth with his obvious racist and sexist diatribes. MTG would get none of those benefits - she’d be treated as a loony toons “your crazy aunt” figure from Day 1 (and rightfully so).

The base wants a bully. The Trump stand in will be the biggest bully that they can find, someone that can fulfill their fantasies of punching down at the people that have it even worse than them. Youngkin might be that guy, but so far no one has managed to simultaneously appeal to the base that wants a bully AND try to appeal to the country club types, except Trump. It turns out the way to do it is to openly be a massive asshole (the base loves it!) and just tell the rich people they can have tax cuts, but don’t otherwise try to pretend to be respectable.

If Trump goes away, I think it provides an opportunity for someone like Tucker Carlson to grab the ball and run with it. It seems the Republicans don’t want their politicians to be politicians. Carlson has the same kind of vibe as Trump who was very well known before stepping into politics directly. He’s the outsider and they love that. Plus, he has the most believable grievance approach and they obviously love that too.

The base just wants a bully. Punch down at immigrants. Punch down at black people. Punch down at transgender people. Carlson can do that, but he needs enough of the party machinery to back him so that he can get the country club folks on board with tax cuts.

Despite some whinging on the left, the MAGA Trump base is the true home of anti-establishmentarian politics. Republicans have to find someone who appeals to them, but also appeals to a donor class that desires financial stability. That usually ends up being someone who can fake it to half the party. Trump changed the dynamic by being more sincere about the anti-woke culture war stuff.

We have one side now conditioned to believe that their side should win in any fair contest, so they will dispute the results anytime they don’t win. It will be interesting to see what happens should that contest be the Republican presidential primaries in one of these elections cycles.

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Ron desantis references rich men north of Richmond, embarrassing

Vivek’s going to make a hip-hop remake, isn’t he.

unfortunately I already know this has been done, and spoiler alert, it’s terrible

They’re going to be tripping over each other trying to get in references to that damn song Wednesday at the debate.


Just saw a Vivek interview. Dude is a fairly smooth bullshitter. Spews tons of it and is pretty slippery. Really need a Mehdi Hasan type to cut through it all, but he could easily go an entire cycle without running in to one of those.