The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Do you think he’s good enough to penetrate the lizard brain haze of the Fox boomers?

I dont think you have to be. Make a few viral clips that make Hannity look like a moron and youll penetrate some of those on the right that srent fox news zomboes

Also, lol at this. I assume Fox has learned from the past that it’s not great optics to show these rubes cheering on whatever barbaric shit the candidates are pitching.

Or booing the common sense popular things.

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Here is how Chris Christie could steal the nomination, since he is the only person in the GOP field who has a professional wrestling physique and personality.

Get himself in the same room as Eric or Don Jr. a week before the debate. Go over and embrace them, whisper something in their ear, when they respond, open hand smack them in the face - his people jump in to separate them. That will create lots of media attention over Don Jr getting bitch slapped and what was said & why it happened. Then go full offensive calling Trump out for getting patriots locked up on January 6th and for being a worthless criminal bum. When the media starts chastising Christie for violence his go to line becomes “You wanna smack too?” At this point Christie has basically said that he is coming for Trump.

At the debates I think Christie has to initiate physical confrontation with Trump in some form. This will be easy because Trump is a child. Christie puts him in a bear hug or knocks him down. Seeing someone knock Trump down or maybe grab his fake hair will the moment the GOP lets go and realizes that there is a new character push


Frankly I might consider voting for Christie if he does all this.


Chris Christie ripping off Trump’s toupet would be the greatest face turn of all-time.

Hell I’d be up for a shoot hair match between them.


I thought the democrats aborted 15 year old external fetuses.

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Trump goes for his stupid hand shake jerk move. While their right hands are locked, Christie hits him with a left handed power slap, dropping Trump to his knees.


Makes you wonder if he’s ever been punched.

That’d be a fun Power Slap match. Win-win for me!

My high schooler was looking forward to taking AP Psych this year but it’s too woke

Orlando Magic cutting checks for Ronda out here

Hilarious bit here at the end of the article:

The late Richard DeVos purchased the Magic in 1991 and the franchise has been in the family ever since. Richard’s son, Dan DeVos, is the current chairman. Dan’s sister-in-law, Betsy DeVos, is the former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and served as the U.S. Secretary of Education under former President Donald Trump from 2017-2021.

The Magic went 34-48 last season and finished in 13th place in the Eastern Conference.

Followed immediately by this:

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Sad trombone.

Most accurate thread title ever

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“These insults are so phony, these insults are juvenile. That is not the way a great nation should be conducting itself. That is not the way the president of the United States should be conducting himself,” DeSantis said on WMUR’s “Conversation With the Candidate,” which was taped Tuesday.
DeSantis said at the town hall that he’s not going to insult somebody’s looks or dress and wouldn’t teach his kids to treat people like that.

DeSantis is trying to take the high road now, his campaign is completely finished. This is simply not how you win the Republican nomination in 2024. Tim Scott has a better chance of being president than he does.

He has become a more horrible candidate than jeb bush at this point.

lol Florida.

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Some gambling website claims that DeSantis is currently at about +1200.

He’s gotta be more of a dog than this?

I would guess they are increasing the general not Trump odds and someone has to the be the best of the rest.