The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

He has the charisma of leprosy, which is also on the rise in Florida.


To be fair, my gf is middle aged and has been wearing heels for decades and she still has trouble with them.


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GTFO with this pandering nonsense. Sorry, but if Trump and all of the J6 clowns get to show up in my city and try to pull a coup, we get a say in how you’re punished. You don’t get to scurry off back to some one judge town in Texas with a jury full of your unindicted co-conspirators. #trythatinabigcity


DeSantis: “I still love and support Trump no matter what he says about me. Trump4Life”


wHiLe iVe SeEn RePoRts


A single standard of justice for all Americans - if you’re rich, do whatever you want, if you’re poor then




I have not read the thing but here are my very strong opinions on said thing.

Might be the most republican way of thinking possible.


Lmao he’s running against the guy and he’s saying he hasn’t read the 45 page indictment rofl I cannot imagine a bigger douche


If the indictment were an opposition research report it would have cost like all the money. If I had a 45 page indictment to read of a competitor in any field, or even a neighbor, I would lapp it up like a thirsty dog. If it could be weaponized, I would think through how to do so immediately.

Desantis no doubt has some strategy and plan for how to use it in like 6 steps, which is what makes him Desantis and therefore unelectable. He’s Hilary Clinton without the morals.


…and minus 15-20 IQ points.

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DeSantis is going to get crushed here.

Im not one to claim victory ahead of anything, but if this happens its going to make Nixon/JFK look like Ali/Fraser

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He couldn’t even handle Charlie Crist ffs

Holy shit, hes trying to get them to agree to both live and no audience.

It wont just be a beatdown, it will be a Bathoryesque bloodbath

"An aide to Newsom told POLITICO that the governor was also in. Newsom’s office had sent a formal request offer to Fox News last week with proposed debate dates of Nov. 8 or Nov. 10. That request called for Hannity to serve as the sole moderator for a 90-minute forum on Fox News that would not include an in-studio audience and would air live.

“Desantis should put up or shut up. Anything else is just games,” the aide said."

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I don’t even know what winning a modern Republican debate looks like. Assuming Hannity isn’t going to moderate, it’s just going to be full Jerry Springer for two hours.

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You make fun of everyone because the Republican base wants to elect a bully.

Objective observers will say so, but the Fox News zombie boomer crowd will lap up the nonsense from the Fox News “moderator”.

“Mr. DeSantis, as everyone knows you have led Florida to be one of the most successful states in terms of combatting the woke agenda that is ruining this country. What would you say are your three biggest achievements?”

“Mr. Newsom, your state continues to struggle with trans pedophiles grooming children while California spirals into an economic disaster. How can we trust you to defend all of America from these threats?”


Newsom complete batted down Hannity when he tried this during their interview a few months ago

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