The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

wsj is all the way out on trump

Donald, you couldn’t even beat Joe Biden

So DeSantis is going to say that the election wasn’t stolen?

I think he’ll probably take the line of “Trump won, but he should have won by enough that Biden and the Dems couldn’t steal it”.

I actually think he will say Trump lost. “You lost 60 times in court including in front of judges you appointed,” there’s a way to say it that also implies he’s an incompetent fascist (in contrast to himself, a competent fascist).

I think Desantis will be careful not to explicitly court the most awful deplorable impulses. He has to be mainstream enough to crush affluent people who find Trump distasteful - that’s his lane. You can never out-disgusting Trump, he’s completely authentic in that regard.

Now Trump is going at Elon. Not good news for the hopes that he won’t run again.

Trump never ever concedes to DeSantis. If DeSantis beats Trump, it means that DeSantis cheated, it means that Harvard Ron was a RHINO who was in on it all along.

So you essentially are going to see at least some of those Trump supporters turn on DeSantis.

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Yeah, Trump’s most powerful political trait is that he is a shameless asshole bullshitter. That he so sincerely leans into being a bullshitter and therefore gets credit for his sincerity is an interesting irony, but the way to lose to Trump is to ooze insincerity. This is a big problem for eDems that tend to talk like they’re reading from a Frankenstein’s monster script assembled from a bunch of focus group tested buzzwords (because they are). Biden sucks but at least when he talks he sounds like he believes what he says. Bernie, of course, also sounds sincere because he is sincere. But the more polished the eDem, the less sincere they sound and the more susceptible they are to Trump’s bullshit. Hillary of course, is the ultimate example of this.


The FOX news establishment pushing for DeSantis easily backfires when Trump starts ripping into them. How many of MAGA people know that DeSantis went to Harvard? How do they reconcile that the Republican establishment who won’t admit the truth about Jan 6 are all on the DeSantis side? They are going to put 2 and 2 together once they realize that the television set is telling them to vote for DeSantis and not Trump.

I think highly politically engaged people underestimate Trump fatigue.

Like, if you post on this board you obviously knew in 2016 this guy is a complete scumbag narcissist piece of shit, but most Americans did not in fact know that and continued not really knowing it for a long time.

We’ve reached a point where anyone with a shred of dignity (admittedly this excludes a lot of Americans!) is out on this guy. Give your average moderately racist self absorbed suburban American any kind of semi-plausible alternative and they’re going to take it.

However, as noted above, Trump absolutely never endorses anyone else for President. The only way to get him out of politics is to imprison him.

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Think you’re giving them way too much credit.

I think the diehard MAGA cultists make it a tough race, but Republicans have carved an enormous lane for someone who can deliver all the MAGA talking points but not behave like a toddler. Big flaw is DeSantis’s lack of personal charisma and open sociopathy.

He could just paint himself orange and move his hands like Trump and suddenly MAGAtards would find him charismatic.

According to a New Yorker profile, DeSantis hates little social niceties like shaking hands or making eye contact or human interaction in general. It’ll be a problem for his campaign I think.

Trump is also horrible at human interactions, but he does so in bullying asshole ways that MAGA chuds love, like weird handshake alpha bro moves and whatnot.

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But of course if Mr. Trump wins the nomination i WILL vote for him over ANY democrat.


Also, he said he would support someone else. But he didn’t say he wouldn’t support Trump even more. Chessmate libtard.

Only problem is that to these idiots 2 and 2 = 3. They’ll put something together, but it won’t be logical or correct.

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I have a feeling republicans won’t be so accommodating.

I think it is possible to pay him off to go away. If Desantis becomes the front runner he would be smart to work out a deal where the future Desantis administration funnels tens of billions of dollars to Trump in order to get him to stand down in a Republican primary. Could also give the Trump children cabinet positions of some sort.

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It seems to me like Trump should watch his back, because the best outcome for Team Competent Fascism would be for him to briefly run then get murdered by a (Black/Trans/Muslim/Antifa) patsy. They wouldn’t have to deal with his dumb ass anymore and the rage machine would kick up to a whole new level.

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Won’t happen. He’s got secret service protection. He’s more likely to be killed by the Iranians than any lone wolves. (which also won’t happen)

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