The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Their resumes were really improved by the new skills they acquired.

Employers probably still required 10 years of servitude experience for an entry level job.


Just remember they are getting valuable skills during that time.

Like an unpaid internship.

Exactly. Had someone actually trotted out that line yet?

Not that I know of.

The funny thing about the slavery line in Florida’s curriculum is it’s clearly a one liner sop to “we can’t say slavery was all bad then it’s too obvious that the South was fighting for tyranny” so they’re like “uhhh they learned some things that could be useful to them outside of work.” And it’s like yea that’s true of every job

Here is one of the Desantis appointees in charge of the new slavery curriculum, Kim Daniels

wait, not a bad joke and, and she’s a democrat!?

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Maybe white Christian conservatives should thank God for WOKENESS since they are learning valuable coping skills as the Most Oppressed Group In America.








“I thank God for slavery…if it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshipping a tree.”

Um, trees are real.


Man I could go on and on about the sustenance and joy TREES have provided in my life


It’s like someone who spends life in prison after being wrongfully prosecuted and convicted but the take way is that he got his GED while he was in the pen so see being wrongfully prosecuted wasn’t all bad?


Yeah, I would have thought they would have gone for the angle that their ancestors benefited from their sacrifice but learned new skills is the woat take.

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DeSantis was in a car crash this morning and no, I’m not referring to the state of his campaign.

Was very disappointed in seeing the second sentence of that news alert.


My son watched two PragerU videos in social studies in middle school. One in 7th grade and one in 8th maybe? Or maybe both in 8th. I almost said something to the teacher, but they weren’t their classic conservative bullshit so I just let it go. One had a tinge of racism at one point (I say “tinge” because I’m not sure if it was just me being overly critical), but the rest of the video was fine.

Fortunately, dlk9s jr already understood that PragerU was crap and knew what to look out for.