The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Never Back Down

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The idea is to start slow by only showing the “hard” science videos in classes first before sneaking in their massive bullshit


Fucking unbelievable

If it had been the other way around, that teacher and principal would have already been fired.

I actually don’t think the teacher knew that PragerU was a bunch of dogshit. I never saw any other indications during the year that the teacher had any sort of “agenda,” for lack of a better word. I’m guessing she just searched for what she thought were helpful videos and found them.

No no, im not saying its the teacher’s plan, its PragerU’s plan. Thats what makes it so nefarious. Have some fairly unquestionable hard science or history stuff on their channel to dupe teachers and admins into thinking the videos are legit, when the majority of the videos are bullshit. “Well they made that one video that was really factual about George Washington. Can’t see the harm in showing this one about Harriett Tubman” and then being blasted in the face with unending racist bullshit.


Pure desperation at this point. Yeah, R’s like RFK Jr., but only because he annoys Dems by claiming to be one. They don’t actually like him (apart from a few of his stupid positions).

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Huh :thinking: bold possible strategy


Backing away from fascism is a great way for Meatball to go from 19% to 4%.


Here’s a thread with some of the bullshit clips


This is true. You need the Regan/Bush Jr. hate, where you launder the hate through stupidity, so it doesn’t seem like hate. Trump laundered his hate through anti-elitism (and obv, stupidity).

DeSantis is 97% SAT guy who is a true believer, which freaks out the dumb normies.

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DeSantis should have rushed the stage with a metal folding chair.

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Here’s looking forward to the future non-governorship of Ronald Dion DeSantis

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Don’t know if this is more a Trump post or a DeSantis post. I just hope DeSantis and family are feeling humiliated.

I don’t trust any poll that has Mike Pence that high.

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Here in NoVA I’m getting TV commercials for Ramalamadingdong. He sounds angry.

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