The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Better from Rob. He needs to be even more repulsive to court the undecideds.


If he eventually punches a journo in the face his campaign may pick up some momentum.


He also needs to do more stuff like this from Gretch:

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Desantis is an ablelist too.

Whitmer 28 is a certainty

Humorless, contemptible, pompous. It’s amazing how unlikable he can be in a 15 second clip. Rob.

it’s staggering how bad he is at this. I have some crazy evangelical childhood friends who can’t quite stomach trump and some crazy establishment Dem on the Outside / pls Lower My Taxes on the inside childhood friends who can’t stomach AOC and six months ago they all independently went super all-in on (the idea of) desantis to the point of no return, and I don’t talk to them too much these days but I like imagining them watching this shit and being increasingly unable to deny what a fucking dork this guy is.

don’t get me wrong he could beat biden and imo like 3/4ths of the actual outcomes with a president desantis are worse than with a president trump (though the worst trump outcomes are like way way WAY worse), but yes watching rob trying to find his inner charisma while waddling around puffed up like a dig dug victim is very funny

of course if it all turns against us and we end up in the same reeducation camp let’s make a sweet wall-tapping code to keep up the sick burns, thatll show em


Even the “winner” reference is dumb. Everyone who wins an election is a “winner”. That doesn’t make them good at their job.

Nice very nice.


The whole question feels like a set up for that canned response too which makes it even more cringey.

Reminds me of the jerk store saga except worse executed.

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Definitely looks staged

100% staged. Who was the reporter?

It’s literal kidnapping and they should start indicting GOP governors


The Texas AG will get right on indicting GOP governors I am sure. Once he is done with his own trial.


Obviously Ken is never doing it. But California and New York and Massachusetts can, and should have already

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Can’t wait to see the outcome of governors fighting to indict one another, surely the Dems will emerge victorious.