The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis



Also workshopped, but not quite making the cut:

I need you in my corner, sport

We can’t win it without you, champ

I can only win if you’re all in, chief


This kind of reminds me of this:

If we can get ChatGPT to write a screenplay that features someone who’s maybe running for Pres named Jon Desancto or something and who’s wife looks like Desantis’ wife (who is a cross of Laura Pickler and Kitty Farmer), who would own it? Destanko would be proposing crazy shit as Mayor or Governor, getting pwned by that Trump impersonator guy, and his wife might be stanning for a sexual predator and/or cheating on him while she emasculates him throughout the movie. Somehow it will be common knowledge that he’s got a micro p. I’m blanking on a good name for the character that will be not very loosely based on MTG, but her last name will have a hyphen. There’s an unlimited supply of ridiculous characters who are irl crazy and have done awful stuff. Santos will kill a puppy with his bare hands and Nancy Mace will torch her own house and try to blame anifa. I’m open to shitting on some dems too.


I remember nothing about this move other than that Olivia Wilde/Ashley Greene scene.

That was a good scene. I had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

How did you get stuck like that in the washing machine step government??? :drooling_face:

Anyone think it’s possible that Ronnie is just doing his run for the same reasons as Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, etc? He knows he’s going to lose, but it increases his ability to cash in later on (grifting and other income generating activities). The only difference is a bit higher polling than those schmucks and his equity if Trump gets got by a heart attack or whatever. Otherwise, he is just the same no chance loser, and he should know that.

He’s term limited in FL*. And Rubio and Scott seem like they’re entrenched. Rubio especially. So after the Governor gig is up, he’s got nothing obvious to transition to. Maybe he’s thinking of pulling the Connor-from-Succession move and will bow out for Secretary of State or something like that. But even in the absence of that, a Presidential run will certainly allow him to cash in for more after.

*Speaking of term limits in FL. DeSantis easily got the FL legislature to change the law on him stepping down as Governor while running for President. How hard would it be for him to take a play out of the Xi Jinping boo kand get the term limits abolished for himself?

He’s just trying to be the best not Trump in case the law (lol) or health take Donnie out.

Ya, I did mention that.

However, that’s really a long shot. Also if that’s all it was, he could always just swoop in when Trump is on literal life support. “Look, I wasn’t going to run because Dear Leader Orange Man was running, but now that he can’t go, I will step up”. Who are Republicans gonna vote for? Nikki Haley? Tim Scott? Mike Pence? He will crush them easily by just throwing his hat in the ring last minute and he would avoid the Jebbing that he is about to receive from Trump.

So, it has to be more than that. I think a lot of it is maybe the same grifting that Scott, Haley, and Pence are after.

Edit: To add to this further, the best way for him to maximize his Trump death/LolLawConsequence equity is for him to basically just slurp Trump 24/7. Then if Trump goes down, Trump would hand him the fucking baton. He would be the chosen one. Not the motherfucker who ran against Orange Man, but instead his hand-picked successor. He’d smoke all of the others even if Trump went down on the eve of the convention.

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Maybe. Based on what we know of him though he seems like a thin skinned needy loser hiding behind a veneer of Tough Guy posturing. He doesn’t seem like the calculating type that would willingly lose for the consolation prizes. He strikes me more as the whiny rich kid whose dad bought him a privileged position in life and deep down he knows he doesn’t deserve it so he acts extra controlling and tough.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I think I’ve met his type before. They’re awful.

im not the step candidate, im the candidate that stepped up…



Ron thinks he can win. His much better than Trump performance in Florida has deluded him into thinking he can do it. If all he was after were grifting monies, then why come out and criticize Trump?

Are they any better than the scrappy bootstraps psychopaths that built an empire from nothing?

Yeah everyone just kind of assumed Meatball Ron was strategic. He clearly isn’t, he’s just a bully. To your point, he’s basically Roman Roy.

I feel he is more Kendall without the pretend-woke attitude. „Ron, you are not a killer.“


Yeah, I’d have gone Kendall too.



DeSantis wouldn’t even go after Trump on the huge deficit increases he oversaw while in office during the debt crisis.

When things are going great