The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Yeah, that’s some good shit. Newsom power rating increasing.

He’s running.

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DeSantis, Trump, or Newsom?

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Newsom. Im feeling it too. He can say “look, I ran this state so well I gave a thousand extra dollars to everyone for no reason. I can do the same with the country.”

“But why is everyone leaving Cali, Gavin? Why?”

“Do you believe everything Fox news tells you? Are we a white supremacist nation like Tucker Carlson claims? I think we are a nation where all men are created equal”

People actually are leaving CA, right? Is the plan to just pretend it isn’t happening? Not saying that isn’t one way to go, just want to be clear on what the plan is.

The numbers arent near as bad as some news outlets make it out to be. I think CA had like a 10K net loss last year.

Nm my numbers were bad. Closer to 200K

kill desantis, marry trump, fuck newsom




Some of those other potential candidates are acting increasingly emboldened to try to step out of Mr. Trump’s shadow. Mr. Cotton and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley have in recent days both made trips to Iowa, the state expected to start the GOP presidential nomination process in early 2024.

Haley is just grifting now right? She can’t be that delusional

I could see someone believing that Trump will decimate DeSantis and the party will be looking for another non-Trump option.

Mike Pompeo over/under 10,000 primary votes in all states combined, I’m snap taking the under.

Mike Pence has a more legitimate shot at the nom than Niki Haley, what are we even talking about.

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If he has to go toe to toe against Trump, I’m not so sure. From what I’ve seen, DeSantis isn’t that great speaking/bringing the culture war reactionary taking points off the cuff like Trump is.

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I will pop all the popcorn in the world to watch them, however.

I think its going under the radar because hes effectively banned from everything but Newsmax but Trump is falling off mentally, its pretty apparent if you watch a then vs. now from 2016.

Also his entire deal is getting stale after 6 years, the media (including Fox) is going to be all-in against him, suburban types are going to love Desantis.

Finally, he doesn’t have to do extended speaking or good faith engagement with anyone. He can just be an asshole to reporters and move on, Trump proved you don’t have to ever play on enemy turf.

This may play out like W Bush where the whole party collectively pretends they hated him after the fact.

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I’m actually interested to see how DeSantis et al, if they have to run against Trump, deal with Trump. They can’t attack him on substance, they basically have to concern troll about his age, imo. Should be hilarious.

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