The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

I never felt guilty. I would go solo. Husband would be at home with the kids. I started going solo when my kids were old enough to stay home alone after school.

I mean, different strokes for different strokes. I do me, you do you. But still, wat?

What the hell.

Something seems off here.

I think the guy is just that awkward and weird. All the time. LOL establishment types hitching their wagon to this clown.

very low energy, sad

Man I was super excited for Trump to end this guy’s career in the debates, but he’s probably not going to even run now. Now who will Trump fight? Nikki Haley? Boring.

Do we have any legit primary challengers for Trump now? Just lolNikki Haley?

Only heart disease.


It’s very hard to think of anyone that could be considered legitimate, even among the currently-undeclared. Ted Cruz won’t be able to stay away. Chris Christie lol. Greg Abbott?

But if you’re a Gemini like me, you can expect the unexpected!

Glenn Youngkin have a chance here?

On paper, seems like he does. But on paper, DeSantis does too.

Is he just milking the donors for some kind of world vacation? What the fuck is happening here?

IIRC it’s standard for presidential candidates to do a world leader meet-and-greet campaign, esp when they don’t have a lot of foreign policy cred. Good for the guy to at least meet important allies and whatnot.

There might not even be debates. I’d love to see him shit all over Pence though.

Incredibly foolish for Trump’s team to agree to any debates, even for the general. Just do Trump rallies instead.

WTF? LOL Is this an AI deep fake?


Tucker Carlson is newly unemployed.


I think he sits on the sidelines and then IF Trump somehow gets eliminated (courts, health?) he steps in as the savior. He doesn’t take on Trump head on.

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Tucker Carlson with Candace Young would be dangerous.

I’m legit hoping he runs. It’ll be entertaining and there’s always a chance he eviscerates Desantis or some other dimwit.

The money shot that everyone remembers is at 3:16, but Christie took lil Marco over his knee even before that.

Welp this just got way more likely given his Fox News departure