The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Feel like this mess with Disney is short sighted imo. Not sure its a good idea for him to pick a batte with the state’s biggest employer when he is going to be term limited out in a couple years.

I think that would be true even if he were winning the Disney battle. Unsuccessfully persecuting Disney is just absolutely disastrous for him.

Disney and Florida government is like the Harlem Globetrotters and the Washington Generals.

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i see this a ton in oklahoma particularly among those i play rec sports with. they just believe you cant be a liberal and be tough so they consider themselves republicans. once you talk to people about policy positions and things they have no idea about most of it, and agree with most democratic positions. they just eat the culture war stuff up.

which is why while they culture war stuff might not work on most independents it just further entrenches all the red states towards irredeemable territory.


When you’ve lost catturd it’s game over.

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Ron sucks so much. Right about 6:00 is a good example of him trying to charismatic and inspiring at the podium and it’s laughable.

So he explicitly acknowledges his vendetta against Disney? He admit it?

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It’s the exact phony scripted stuff that Trump demolishes. They want a bully, not a leader.

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WDW customer base is like 90% rich white people / 9% rich South American w/ European ancestry. 1% other.

I’m still trying to come to terms with Ronnie getting married at Disney? Like fuck off that in and of itself should be disqualifying for anything.

The racism, sexism, transphobia, etc really is his lane to popularity. Best attributes hands down. Imagine the conversation you would have with a sane future spouse about getting married in a trashy amusement park versus literally any alternative. Unreal. Hey honey we can save some money doing part of it at the local church. Ok maybe, if need be. Hey honey we can have teens dressed as very large foam mouse things while we do this. Not ok.

I want to hate on Disney Adults, I really do, but at Disneyland in Ahaheim the majority of them really look super-sad and I sincerely hope that Disney brings some joy into their lives.


Why would you want them to be in a place where they are openly sad?

I’m not hating on them either. I just think Disney tourism as an adult is a frankly unenriching experience for them. That being said people should do what they want.

My main point is the guy going to war with Disney got LOL MARRIED there. Dude is going to get destroyed on that by Trump surrogates as a Disney CUCK LOSER. The end. It also has to be one of the most pathetic places on earth to get married objectively as well.

Reported for making fun of jman


He claims it was what his wife wanted and his only condition was there be no Disney characters.

Universal Studios Orlando has some roller coasters (VelociCoaster/Hagrid’s Motorbike) right now that are just fucking amazing. You can absolutely see the euphoria on peoples faces at the end of the rides. I fucking love theme parks, including Disney. It’s an escape from all the pointless bullshit and the metal detectors make it less likely you are going to get gunned down eating a churro.


Liking theme parks as an adult: not objectively weird. Being super into Disney in particular, especially to the extent that you have your goddamn wedding there: objectively weird. I mean I’m not trying to yuck anyone’s yum here, but these are just facts.


Took the kids to Disney and Universal fairly recently and I just discovered that I can’t do crazy rides anymore. I’ve always had some very mild motion sickness, but it never affected me on a roller coaster. But now, some of them make be a bit nauseated. Getting old is the worst.