The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis


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Two very bad non-hispanic democratic candidates.

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Is there a Democrat who can win a statewide election in Florida against DeSantis/Marco/Scott?

crazy to think that ron’s first election was like 0.4% over a guy who later got arrested for some crazy drug shit in an all male threesome.

Gillum got pretty close

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I don’t think Florida is a winnable state for Dems anymore.

It was already trending redder and the influx of people who are seeking no State Taxes and “We were never at war with COVID” just leans it way redder, on top of the general population influx of boomers retiring in the last 3 years and moving down South.

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That and Hispanics are trending hard right because LOL DEMOCRATS


Yeah, but he’d get stomped if he tried now.

I’m looking for someone who has a legitimate shot at taking out a Republican incumbent in a statewide election for governor or US senator in the next 5 years.

I’m not sure this person exists.

Its almost as though “Hey, that guy who is winning, in fucking Florida of all places, hes sure to do well nationally” wasnt the brilliant masterplan they thought it was

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on the other hand…

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ use of state planes and other information about his official travel could soon be secret under a far-reaching bill that is coming while the Republican governor has been ramping up visits across the country ahead of a likely presidential campaign.

The Florida Senate passed the bill Wednesday by a 28-12 vote, with Republicans using their supermajority to pass the measure since the Florida Constitution requires exemptions to the state’s public records law to clear a required two-thirds threshold. The legislation heads next to the Florida House, where lawmakers are also expected to pass it.

The legislation would not only apply to future travels by DeSantis, but it would also apply retroactively to all records dealing with the governor’s use of the state plane, as well as other top state officials such as legislative leaders.

Republicans contend they are pushing for the bill, SB 1616, at the urging of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the agency which now manages the state plane used by the governor and which has been inundated with record requests. GOP lawmakers asserted that releasing the information would allow someone to look for “patterns” that could jeopardize DeSantis’ security.

“Everything we do is monitored,” said Senate President Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples). “Bad actors can find out a lot. … I think it’s perfectly appropriate. Here we have a young governor who has young children, a young family. God forbid something would happen because information is out there.”

Republican supporters also said there was nothing in the legislation that would alter campaign finance laws that require state political officials to disclose when they use political committees or campaigns to pay for travel.

But Democrats ripped the bill as a way to keep DeSantis’ actions out of public view while open government advocates called it one of the worst ever proposed exemptions to the state’s much-lauded Sunshine Law.

Just wide open, in-your-face corruption. WTF are you gonna do about it?

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Yeah, I agree. You used to be able to count on enough New York/New England liberal retirees moving to Boca or wherever to keep it at least purple, hell it was very purple before Jeb! took over. But now the hicks are taking it over and real estate isn’t as cheap as it was a generation ago, so because of that and other reasons those people are either staying put or looking elsewhere.

I think Matt Christman has a point that the poles of mainstream american politics are coalescing into “We have to do all these bad things but don’t be an asshole about it.” (dems) Vs “We have to do all these bad things so don’t be a pussy about it. In fact you might as well enjoy it.” (gop) And that lots of hispanic males (who give enough of a fuck to vote) would rather be an asshole than a pussy.


Just saying that someone like him got really close. Florida isn’t an impossible win.

I’m think a lot of Republican identity especially among males is just that they are the alternative to the party of gays, and trans and other marginalized folks and minorities who are embraced in the Democratic Party. Never mind that Republicans are in the party of White Nationalists and other extremists. They’ll accept that if it means no homo.

