The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Some of the country club type suburban Republicans are probably like “WTF Desantis is supposed to be attacking minorities not big corporations who pay lip service to minorities, I thought this guy got it but he doesn’t”

This is especially true if DeSantis is actually implementing policies that make people’s vacations worse or more expensive (e.g. extra toll roads around Disney area or adding prisons nearby) then I think this backfires on him personally but even if he was dumb enough to follow through on his threats that would not happen by 2024.

DeSantis’s latest plan is dumb because Disney fans like prisons


Maybe, but he’s wasting time and political capital on a fight that doesn’t help. It could also hurt if Disney starts being more active in opposing him through political donations or running pro-Disney, anti-Desantis ad.

It also hurts the DeSantis in the future as it helps to keep alienating young voters.

He has completely misplayed the entire Disney thing, to his detriment.

It’s not like Florida relies on tourism or anything. Fuck em

Never back down might be a good slogan, but it’s not a very smart actual plan.

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interesting that it happened in December and this is just getting pushed now.

well it’s a terrible slogan because he’s going to lose and endorse donald trump


“run ron run” is also not good

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Bizarre story imho

for whom he obtained highly sought-after Taylor Swift concert tickets which he said he’d give her if she sent him a photo of her breasts.

it’s always swift’s fault somehow

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DeSantis walking out to The Steve Miller Band’s ‘Take the Money and Run’ on the campaign trail would be awesome tho.


Baby, I was born to Ron.

Nah it’s perfect

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