The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

You would be surrounded by nicer folks, too.

The point is she is a broken clock. Likely more right about the administration hiding/faking of Covid information.

Been a hot minute since I checked in on Jones. In September she said this:

Rebekah Jones turned down a plea deal (for the charge of misuse of the emergency messaging system) she believes is politically motivated and said she is willing to go to trial and risk jail to stand up to what she says is political retribution from Gov. Ron DeSantis.

In December, prosecutors dropped the case against her in return for an admission of guilt. Jones also agreed to pay $20,000 for investigative costs and attend sessions with a licensed mental health professional of the state’s choosing.

Nuts yes, but that doesn’t make her wrong about DeSantis and Covid data malfeasance. There seems to be independent confirmation of the complete tool of a surgeon general is screwing with things.


Lapado’s appointment as surgeon-general easily postdates Jones’s accusations of malfeasance with COVID data. Florida’s poor governance of COVID issues doesn’t at all validate Jones’s specific accusations, which have never been anything other than complete bullshit. She is not a complicated figure, she’s just a bullshit artist, that she is on the same side of politics as you is not a redeeming feature. The Avenatti analogy @TheNewT50 made was a good one.

Wow. Desantis fuckery obviously ONLY started after this guy was appointed. Obviously.
Sounds like a dril quote


He needs new material, woke is getting stale.

I want to be slept like republicans.


You really don’t appreciate the quality of Trump’s tradecraft until you see a pisspoor imitation like this.

Desantis is just a moron. His power play is to make it so less people want to come to Disney, I’m sure that’s going to win over the voters. Trump is at least smart enough to pick enemies and fights against unpopular opponents that couldn’t really fight back.

I know Disney cant really do it, but they should close DisneyWorld for a couple of weeks and tank the central Florida economy.

I mean, does Orlando even exist if Disneyworld isn’t there?

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He’s just a bully. Which works fine if you’re bullying helpless poor minorities and your base is inbred racist assholes. It will not work against…one of the most beloved and popular companies and largest employers in your state.

There’s a certain logic to that if you think Florida is in the bag for Rs and he can pick up votes nationally by picking a fight with Disney.

He really is fascist Dukakis.

I’m wondering if there are ANY voters in the set where pissing on Disney would get them to switch from D to R.

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yeah i feel like the only people that are ANGRY at disney are like the people that got made about that wrestler chick losing her star wars role… those kind of people were already in the bag.

i dont think the culture war on disney cast an african american little mermaid gets any independents riled up in wisconsin that weren’t already voting republican.

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But also the reverse is true, I think. What person that voted for Trump over Biden is going to vote for Biden over DeSantis because Desatis attacked a Disney theme park through convoluted regulatory maneuvers? It has to be vanishingly small at this point.

Taking over the Reedy Creek Improvement District was just too much. Have you no decency?! Time to hang up my MAGA hat.

I bet a lot of Trumpers don’t go to the polls if TFG isn’t on the ballot.