The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

I’m sure they could get some R governor to give them a sweetheart deal to move. Just find one that also wants to run for President so that it’ll help him against DeSantis.

Abbot or Kemp? Not sure any other state really has the weather plus existing infrastructure combo.


Having most of your customer base require a passport seems suboptimal. Having said that, I think nothing would rustle Ronnie more, so I hope they do this.

Paying 5k to go to the masters on Thursday or pay to hear Jeb Bush 2.0 talk.

Tough choice

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Dude is a pathetic loser and I’ll take every ounce of joy available from politics so I’m inhaling every moment

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yeah this is getting into the deep end of failboxing at this point. Either start saying things that will, you know, actually win you votes, like “TFG’s a loser”, or just fucking get up there and say you’re not running. Dumbass.

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Ettingermentum had a good take on Chapo: DeSantis cared more about defending Trump than Trump did.

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I tried to get ChatGPT to do a speech where Disantos denounces Trump in the stylenif Kruschev denouncing stalin. But it refused.

Anyone know any jailbreaks that still work?

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Id rather listen to DeSantis.

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This does not present DeSantis as the mastermind he is often portrayed as. For example, the meetings where the Disney board fucked him were public. Lol.

Edit. iOS autocorrect is the worst thing ever invented.

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Obviously, no one expects DeSantis himself to look into this stuff. So it seems to me that either he prefers to hire incompetent sycophants or more likely no one competent will work for him.

Dems generally don’t get outplayed like this. They get “outplayed” because they just forfeit.

Here’s a question I’ve got on the whole Ronnie vs Disney issue. Let’s say that Ronnie actually knew about what they were doing in real time. Is there anything he could have done to stop it? And if so, what?

Well if the police report says something then that is unquestionably the complete and truthful set of facts about the event, of that we cam be certain.

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So we think numerous other children are out to get this family/kid?

Or maybe he was being a POS edgelord.

Ron, you’re just not a draw.

This guy really is sitting dead in the water.

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Rebekah Jones is the Mike Avenatti of Florida. Shamelessly misrepresenting herself for attention and grifting potential, with seemingly no concern she will be exposed.

She should not be taken seriously.