The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

that’s still better than the current price on predicit. He’s lane though is still basically trump dying or deciding not to run for some reason.

When I was in India, one of my local colleagues had visited cousins In Houston a couple of times and knew that Texas was an extreme. I told her theirs was born out of being an independent country for a few years. She was unaware and agree it explained a lot.

Was Florida every quasi unattached between Spain and the US?

Virtually all of Florida south of Lake Okeechobee was essentially an unruled frontier till like the early 20th century. The Seminole Indians successfully resisted three campaigns by the Federal government to remove/kill them because that area was so difficult to access/govern. But I don’t think any of that has to do with the current political nonsense that reigns in Florida.

It’s a complex history with lots of jostling back and forth, but semi short version is

  • Spain shows up in the 1500’s

  • Spain and GB jockey for control, eventually GB gets control from Spain in the 1760’s

  • Florida does not join the American revolutionary War, so it does not become an original state.

  • Spanish authorities come in for a while after Britain loses the Revolutionary War, but has a hard time exerting control over the folks with British ancestry (who get assistance from folks in Georgia who are mad that slaves are escaping to Florida and the Spanish authorities and the Seminole and some other tribes in Florida aren’t sending them back).

  • A number of border skirmishes escalate, and the US government eventually purchases from Spain around 1819

  • US kills a lot of Native Americans, either directly or indirectly (by sending them on the hard journey along the Trail of Tears)

  • Florida became a state in 1845, joined the Confederacy in 1861, and was readmitted to the US after the war.


Leaning into the least popular GOP platform

im convinced the abortion SC ruling is like 90% of the reason we didnt get trounced in the midterms. lol Ron.

Thanks. I know there were at least some skirmishes between Spain and GB during the revolution. My wife’s hessian ancestor got captured in the colonies, released and then sent down to FLorida and if our reading is correct, was captured on the boat before it landed. Got sent to Cuba as POW and then a bit murky-he either escaped or someone paid a bounty and then deserted.

Somehow picked up a bride from Maryland and then was an early settler in a town about an hour northwest of Happy Valley, PA. ie the middle of effing nowhere.

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She reports that her son was taken for “digital threats of terrorism” by state and not local police.

The “anti-Florida”?

Michigan should put that on their license plates.

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Apparently there were a bunch of other kids in the chat group but only her kid was targeted

I need to wait for ChrisV to weigh in on anything Rebekah related before deciding what to think.

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Getting into a constant tit-for-tat with Disney does not seem like a winning strategy.

I’m no constitutional scholar but isn’t that a blatant violation of the 14th Amendment or some shit?

People love Disney! What a dope.

I know the sunk cost fallacy blah blah but I still wonder at what point does Disney just say “fuck it” and move the thing to another state altogether

I believe at one point Disney wanted to take over all and Mouse-ify all the history stuff in Philadelphia.

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This has been a popular talking point on the right for a while. The general idea is that the fed or the treasury or Biden is going to ban all cash transactions and paper money and all transactions are going to be done via the feds digital currency, and then if you get caught online saying some bad about Biden or pro trump they are going to deploy the 87,000 irs agents on you and freeze all of your accounts and bankrupt you.

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This is coming out in July. Basically cash app/Venmo by the federal reserve and the banks. I wonder how many states are planning on not participating.

Called FedNow

Guess that is the tip of the spear to steal all of maga’s money.

I think they need a year-round warm weather location. They’ve already got one in Cali. What do you suggest? Not sure Blue Georgia is much of an upgrade. Everything else is about the same level of deplorability.