The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Desantis just doesn’t have it.

The thing all these establishment backed loser candidates don’t understand is that for the deplorable base politics is entertainment. Trump makes them laugh! His only shot was to just relentlessly make fun of Trump from Day 1. Shit like “Donald how much make up do you have on right now?” Or “Donald what is Eric’s birthday?” Sure the initial polling would have suffered but he had to paint him as a pathetic old loser. He’s done.

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But Trump lets them laugh at black people and gay people and trans people and immigrants that are helpless against the abuses of the system. They also like to laugh at “RINOs” who don’t “get it”, but they can never be persuaded that Trump is a RINO.

One of Desantis’ hand-picked board members is BIG MAD



You may be asking yourselves, what makes Ms. Ziegler uniquely qualified to sit on this Magic Board?

Well…she’s one of those Moms 4 Bigotry idiots who binked the chair of the Sarasota School board. And…she’s…a mom?


But mostly, I suspect, it’s because her husband is this guy:

it seems like reading between the lines they wanted to be able to control some aspects of the entertainment in the park itself… like that crazy moms4bigots lady says disney is sexualizing kids.

i think they thought this would literally enable them to control the park.


Trump is going to wreck him on the high heels.

I don’t keep up with it these days, but has South Park had a Disney/Mickey episode with DeSantis yet?

Absolutely. DeSantis would be in much better shape if he was bald or gay instead of short. GOP Primary Voter probably (subconsciously) rates height above 99% of policy positions.

DeSantis is a good second best candidate. He’s attempting the ruthlessness comparable to Trump. He’s schtick was I can be like Trump without the personality issues, but it turns out the personality issues matter the most to the small cadre of highly educated rich conservatives that isn’t the base of the GOP. The base doesn’t care about his drama that much.

At least that’s what it seems to be so far.


I’ll expound because it seems like it’s needed: Trump’s personality is a feature not a bug. It’s literally his only feature worth a damn to GOP primary voters. The political class that thought it was a bug are braindead.

Alex Jones would destroy Trump in the Republican primary.

I think the GOP establishment know that Trump’s personality appeals to voters, but they think they can mimic aspects of it while disregarding the parts they think hamper their policymaking ability. They’re probably right, like someone who could be aggressive and combative while also being clued into how to get things done policy wise and wouldn’t needlessly fire people who looked at him wrong would probably be better, but that requires low information voters to be clued in and pick up on those things and low information voters just don’t care that much. They’re not paying that much attention.

The issues are “being like Trump” suffers from comparison and is just weak tea, and Trump’s personality is mutually exclusive from knowing ANYTHING about policy.

They’re 100% wrong that this is possible, and DeSantis’ real-time pants-shitting is proof positive.

This ain’t it Ronnie

Don’t know if anyone actually clicked through to the ad, but it is maddening. DeSantis doesn’t share “our values” which appear literally to be socialism.

It’s kind of hilarious that establishment republicans continue making the exact same mistakes. They raised like $300 million for LOL JEB and now they’re running it back again for this loser.

Trump continuing to dominate the GOP with his pro-government spending agenda is wonderful.


Make America Great Again, Inc. are the five worst words in the king’s language

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