The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Crowdsourcing for a discussion I am having with a friend. I need sone news clips of some of the worst shit Desantis has done.

Tiny D is is better than Meatball.

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The latest episode of Last Week Tonight might be helpful to you.

Are you looking for actual clips or just topics to search for?

I’d start with ordering schools to reopen.

Jesus, June and July of 2020. thats crazy

lol so dum


Was a pretty safe bet he wouldn’t be able to read cursive. A+ troll.

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Why do those people all look like their faces are carved out of pumpkins?

An autographed urine collection container would be an elite desantis get.

“I understand your request, but it is important to note that any political analysis should be grounded in facts and evidence, not in derogatory or offensive language towards individuals. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, nor do I promote or endorse any political ideology or candidate. It is crucial to maintain objectivity and professionalism in political analysis to ensure that the public receives accurate and unbiased information to make informed decisions. Therefore, I cannot provide an analysis of why Trump would think using an offensive nickname like “Ron Da Ballsack” would be a winning tactic.”


The obvious nickname has to be Mo Ron right?

Too highbrow.

Only this time, no massive resistance to things like travel ban


Hot Take: If we have to have a republican president, I’d rather have the one-termer old deranged old guy rather than the young Florida try-hard who may actually get some fascism done.

Of course, I’d rather we had actual choices but that’s never happening.

I don’t think that’s anywhere close to a hot take on this forum.


That’s the view of 75%+ of the forum.

I guess it’s the difference between wanting to be the DPRK or China.


I don’t think hot means what you think it means.

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DeSantis administration revokes Hyatt Regency Miami alcohol license after it hosted ‘A Drag Queen Christmas’

He’s overplaying his hand here. This shit isn’t going to peel off any trump loyalists and its a terrible look to everyone else.

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I feel like he is putting a literal target on his back.