The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Kids choose to be gay because democrats make it cool for money is absolutely a standard republicans belief.

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If being mean to right-wingers only pushes people further to the right, then maybe right-wingers being mean to the LGBT is making people more gay?


I mean it’s not as glamorous as fighter pilot but somebody has to do it. Poor Ron. Trump is going to have a field day with this. For all we know, this is the origin of Meatball Ron.


Anyways, this is old news about DeSantis. From an article in 2018.

What is clear in the records provided to the Phoenix is that DeSantis’s Navy experience focused on his legal work as a young Harvard-trained lawyer and officer who served as a prosecutor, defense attorney, international law attorney and a Judge Advocate General’s Corps Officer.

He was a Joint Task Force Guantanamo scheduler/administrative officer.

However, “Unfortunately, specific details about Mr. DeSantis’s role as JTF-GTMO scheduler/administrative officer are not available,” said a Navy spokeswoman, Patricia Babb.

Feel free to let your imaginations run wild on what he was doing there.

The records show that DeSantis’s duties included a physical fitness coordinator, a recruiting officer, an assistant urinalysis coordinator (a program related to drug screening), and an awards officer.

Ron Desanitize didn’t disclose full details!


Piss Test Ron!


Rhonda Santis wears heels.

This guy is drawing deader than Jeb. Unbelievable anyone was ever idiotic enough to think he had a chance.

Probably like size 8s too

I’m loving Ron Desanitize

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I think the median Trump supporter would have to have “sanitize” explained to them, and how it relates to Ron.


I would just layer this stuff into the RINO Ron attacks, he’s a Fake Conservative and a Fake Soldier.

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Yeah this is a horrible nickname. Needs to be instantly understandable to even the dumbest of the dumb dumbs.

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Yeah, exactly. Whatever amount of dumbing down seems insulting to us, it has to be even dumber than that to resonate with the median Trump supporter / deplorable / Republican primary voter.

Probably the easiest way to figure this out for the Trump team (to the extent he has one) would be to put 100 DeSantis insulting nicknames into the Facebook derposphere and see which ones rise to the top. LET THE MARKET OF IDIOTS DECIDE!

experiment-driven nickname development!

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Tiny D is enough to wipe the floor with DeSanctus.


“Little Ron…or Tiny D as he was called in the Navy…did you know that was his nickname in the Navy? Tiny D. He used to help with the pee tests. That was his job in the Navy. I don’t know what that means? Was he holding it for them? Shake twice Ronny. Anyway thats when he got the nickname Tiny D so you can probably figure out what was going on there, right? Tiny D. It’s great. Anyway so Tiny D says to me ‘sir, sir, I need your help Mr President’. You should have seen the way he begged me.”

That’s how Trump will play this one and it will be pretty effective.


Please God, let it go this way.

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Yep. We are about to get Trump again