The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

DeSantis skipping CPAC? Hmm…

@Riverman , @sriracha , @chupacabre

If you guys want to buy out of your Desantis vs Trump bets with me, I’ll take 80% right now. Offer good for 48hrs. Let me know.

You misspelled Meatball

I’ll stay the course. I make these types of wagers for certain psychological relief reasons. If I lose, I’m just fine with that.

Absolutely not.

Why would I pay you $80 when you’re going to pay me $100?

Roll it.

I like the optimism. Ordinarily I’d wish you good luck, but this is one of the few scenarios in which I am hoping orange man wins.

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Ron DeFührer?

Last Week Tonight has a big segment on him. Worth watching and I’ll try to find the segment later

Last Week Tonight is more depressing than funny nowadays. Also feels like their budget’s been cut.

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Kinda disappointed he didn’t point out DeSantis overseeing torture at Guantanamo but I guess there aren’t really enough sources on that. Still would be nice to flag for a greater audience.

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stopped watching after their nuclear episode about 6 years ago. Realized it was full of cherry picked data, half truths, and meant to fear monger rather than expose actual problems.

If that was true then I realize I can’t really trust any of the stuff they put out.

nuclear weapons or nuclear waste?

They were talking about nuclear energy and the waste generated from that and seamlessly transitioned into talking about the nuclear waste generated in Washington state from the proliferation of nuclear weapons and enriching uranium.

Most people watching would think that nuclear energy created/ can create the type of environmental catastrophe that occurred from building nuclear weapons.

They also used the typical anti-nuclear rhetoric of here’s how toxic some nuclear energy waste can be and for how long it can last and here’s how much nuclear waste is generated as if all waste is that bad, not just <0.1% of it.


This is one of the people Ron just appointed to oversee the Disney district

Since I’m here, Kirkland frozen meatballs

  • :-1:
  • :+1:
  • :fu:

0 voters

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These are mainstream GOP beliefs

Estrogen in the water due to birth control pills is a new one to me, that’s fun.


Are women flushing their birth control pills because it’s just easier to have an abortion? Some people are saying yes.


That explains why the water is turning the frogs gay.


Hormones and prescription drugs in sewage are a legitimate problem. The quantities required to cause problems with fish are tiny. It’s one of the reasons you sometimes see nagging about safe disposal.


Sounds like we have a gay fish problem