The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Sure. Booked.

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This isn’t real, right? Surely, someone just says Biden to pocket the cash. Or did that happen.

I don’t know, man. Sounds like Walt’s last call to Skylar where he’s trying to convince the DEA she had nothing to do with all the crime to me.

@Melkerson , can I get $250 down on DeSantis? Thanks!

There is only $150 left. It’s yours if you want it, quote to book.

I’ll take $150 on DeSantis. Thanks!

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I’m making this post mostly to remind myself of the bets.

@Riverman $250
@sriracha $100
@chupacabre $150

If Desantis wins the GOP presidential nomination for 2024, then I will pay you above amounts. If Trump wins the GOP presidential nomination for 2024, then you will pay me above amounts. If anyone else wins the nomination there is no action. Settlement via paypal.

If this is inaccurate, let me know.

Confirmed accurate for @chupacabre. Thanks again! Wagering allows all to win, regardless of outcome. LOL.

There sure is a big difference between PI and Bovada image

What if Trump doesn’t run? Unlikely I know but not out of the question.

Desantis I know is 100% running, and will be much more capable at stealing a close election then Trump was.

Lock it up.

I offer you a $75 buyout!

It’s not going to be close if DeSantis is the nominee so no stealing will be needed. Fair or not, the perception of Biden is locked in as a bumbling, stumbling version of Jimmy Carter. Trump is the only one that can fuck that up.

What DeSantis will do is get busy on rigging 2028.


Trump doesn’t run is one of their outs. So is Trump death or massive stroke or whatever.

Although, technically none of those things precludes a win for me. He could win off a massive write-in campaign if he doesn’t run. And if he dies while on the ballot, he could still win, as dead guys have won elections before.

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But who, really, can put a price on the bragging rights?

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BRB, gonna arb this into some free money.

Not really. Don’t have a Bovada acct, and probably can’t get arsed up to do it.

I think you guys are overestimating the chance that Trump even wants to run again. Who knows what his health is going to be like in 2024.

Who is ‘you guys’? Looks like I’m the only one backing Florida Man*.

*that’s Trump, in case it wasn’t clear.

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I just bet the Desantis line on Bovada


No sane person would run again but we are talking about Trump here. Craves the attention and the power to personally destroy his enemies.

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