2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out



Jesus he is unwatchable, what a fucking stiff.

I’m pretty sure Churchill would call him a coward and then puke on his shoes.

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Maybe he just got to see and hear more about Trump’s campaign over the course of the primary and realized that he was the best candidate.


Looks like I just have to fade a Trump heart attack, stroke, etc. to get paid.


Well Haley made it to heads up vs. Trump sooner than I would have predicted


I’m wondering what Pudding Fingers Ron’s future holds. Is he gonna fade away like Jeb or does he have a political future left?

Haley just now: Biden and Trump are equally bad

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Being a freak is a huge positive in florida politics. Plus it feels like an incombant willing to do whatever it takes is essentially impossible to beat.

It feels like he’s done on the national stage, but he’s also only 45, which in modern politics means he could have another 40 years to rebuild his reputation and take a few more runs at it. When Biden got smoked in '88, I doubt anyone predicted he’d win in 2020, so maybe DeSantis will finally resonate in 2048 or something.

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I only made it through about 15 seconds of his goodbye speech. Just a completely plastic piece of garbage.


If there were a way I could bet on it, I bet when Haley votes herself, if we could see her ballot, she absolutely doesn’t vote for Trump. Some chance she votes for Biden, although leaving it blank or lolthirdparty are also in play.

Biden had the senate gig to fall back to. I don’t see Rubio or Scott stepping aside and I think he’s term limited in FL. So he doesn’t really have a natural way to rehabilitate his image and stay relevant. I guess he could be a congressman, but that does seem too common after being a governor.

Nah, game over.

Internet and all.

I agree that the most likely scenario by a long shot is that he is done once his term is up as Governor. But just pointing out that he is relatively young and therefore there is at least some possibility that he makes some some sort of comeback in the future via a Senate run, or sneaking into a VP slot or something.



What did you think was going to happen? All of these clowns are spineless and without principle and they will all kiss Trump’s ring eventually, now matter how humiliating that is for them.

He’s term limited here though. Don’t see him unseating lill Marco or voldemort for a senate seat, either.

So desantis got a grand total of 23,420 votes for president? Anyone wanna work out the dollars per vote?