2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Yeah, that’s the standard play. Bill Barr did the same thing. “Yeah, he definitely did all the crimes, but still a better option than Biden”

Why the hell would I want to waste my time and cast a vote in a republican primary. I barely want to leave the house to vote in actual elections much less primaries

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I’ve seen the moderate Repubs say things along the lines of “Trump is dangerous…because we need the best possible candidate to stop evil socialist Joe Biden from destroying America.”

Christie tho

Yeah, even in that clip she said “We can’t have someone else who’s mentally unfit…”. So, once the choice is between two mentally unfit men, it’s nowhere close to a 180 to say, sure, fine, vote for the MAGA one.

He’s basically irrelevant tho

I wouldn’t fault at all her if her endorsement was exactly that. But I think it’s gonna be a whole lot closer to “Trump is a stable genius GOAT President” than that.


Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see what she actually says.

Nah, she won’t say anything like genius GOAT.


Sure but she also won’t say, “Well this guy’s brain is mush, but he isn’t Biden. Trump 2024!”

The question is which extreme will her ultimate endorsement be closer to.

NK is going to 100% endorse Trump. These people are complete sickos. It’s impossible to even rationalize their depravity.

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The thing is, she won’t ever be forced to say anything. They’ll say, “How can you endorse Trump after saying he might not be fit?” And she’ll say, “You wanna know who’s unfit?”

Like all of those clowns do, forever



How hard is it for Bash to just follow up with “Well, it seems to me like you’re a coward Mr. Scott. Most people I have on my show will answer questions directly.”


That’s a good approach even if bolded is likely untrue.

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Very important to drop out and endorse trump asap


Because they have to fill 24hrs a day worth of content and only like 15 of those hours can feasibly be boner pill commercials. Tim Scott is the only freak big enough to want to go on daytime cable news but even he presumably has limits.


He actually endorsed trump?! Lol what a true cuck.