2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Which state has a jungle primary for President? I know Cali has them for Senator.

Don’t know if there are true jungle primaries for President, but unaffiliated voters can vote in either primary in New Hampshire. That’s close enough imo.

I voted Haley, but if I were actually in NH specifically, I might vote in the Dem primary and write in Biden just to lower the odds that I have to read think pieces about Dean Phillips.

Ok, I should have figured out what you meant from context. A jungle primary is when the top two candidates regardless of party advance to the general.

Thinking american voters don’t have goldfish memory about the trump presidency and rationally recognize how objectively good a job biden has been doing. In other words: thinking wrongly

Even if they think that, they have to know that Haley is a better opponent for Biden than Trump.

I don’t understand the stay at home and vote for Trump votes. Am I missing a strategy?

well the ones that lived at least. the dead ones are all biden’s fault, as Daddy is famous for saying “I don’t take any responsibility at all”

That’s the biggest mystery for me. I don’t understand why Republicans in charge don’t take any one of the myriad ways behind closed doors to kneecap Trump. He has to be the worst candidate to beat Biden having already lost to him once and 91 felony indictments later


They don’t trust each other. And they shouldn’t.

Nikki Haley Nikki Haley Nikki Haley


He said her name three times.

I think you may have understood my post. I think Biden has much better chance vs Haley than against Trump. MAGA nation isn’t going to vote for an Indian woman.

On the other hand I think Biden should be more afraid of DeSantis than Trump. He doesn’t have the amount of batshit crazy baggage as Trump. And he’s white, so MAGA nation can sign on to that. Of course it’s possible that Trump would actively torpedo him if he lost to DeSantis (as he would to Haley).

It’s gonna be awkward when she ultimately endorses Trump. And by awkward I mean not awkward at all. She is going to do a 180 and no one will blink.


But MAGA nation doesn’t represent enough of the Republican party. Trump got just over 50% of the vote in IA

MAGA nation is 1000% only about Trump. They are blind to anyone else. If for whatever reason Trump doesn’t win the primary, I think all bets are off. Just my opinion

LOL wat? Even if they are as low as 25% of repubs. if they don’t vote Haley, which they won’t, then Biden vs Haley is a landslide for Grandpa Joe.

The only unexplored way to do this is literally.

Still register R from 2016. Will vote for Haley and then write in F Trump for all other races.

Dream scenario is that Trump becomes untenable. Someone else gets picked late and MAGA stays home.

Of course run the risk of never Trumpers and Independents coming home/voting R and some D enthusiasm dropping.

yeah, once is a gaffe. three times is something else.

now the question is whether nikki will keep saying “he’s mentally unfit” after she drops out.

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“He’s mentally unfit, we still have to vote for hime to stop the radical socialist Joe Biden”. They always have a justification.