2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out


I meant his whole campaign but this is a hilarious start.


He has no future in Florida.

DeSantis set back the closeted movement 40 years.

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Personally I think DeSantis is done, politically. Too many stories about him being a psychopath who’s difficult to work for, his instincts are terrible, no one’s ever going to forget that he eats pudding with his fingers. Plus Disney wants him buried and that’s not great for a Florida politician.

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Also Ran Ron.


Tough to pin down exactly how much money his Presidential campaign raised and then set on fire but this Washington Post article from a month ago says

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis entered the Republican presidential race with an unmatched war chest and a $269 million plan to change how campaigns are usually funded.

So assuming he received no additional donations and managed to spend that entire war chest we’re looking at about $11,486 per vote.



A Male, Former Politician From NY that can get things done…

He can’t be serial

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Jesus, the woman is pitching a shutout! I’d like to see Ol’ Donny Trump wriggle his way out of this jam!


Staggering the primary out is so dumb. Once every four years weird little places like “Dixville Notch” and “Iowa” get attention for no damn reason.


This is where I landed. I voted in the Republican primary in 2016 to try to generate some Kasich-mentum and save us from Trump and it felt bad, man. Looking forward to writing in Robinette.

In 2020, Dixville Notch went Dems 2 for Bloomberg and 1 each for Pete Butt and Sanders, while the one Republican vote was a write-in for Bloomberg.

Got to give Dixville Notch residents some props for their cloddish earnestness in this whole affair. If I lived there, I would surely be unable to resist the temptation to cast a write in for Deez Nuts or the Disembodied Voice of James Earl Jones.


Once in a lifetime shot to do a “Mike Hunt” joke on the national stage and no one in town goes for it.


They’ve been doing it since 1960, to do many chances in a lifetime.

Maybe they’re out of joke names?