2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Find me 7 votes.




This makes me wanna rewatch Porkies


Exit polls show voters are 50/50 Rep./Ind.
67/33 Not MAGA/MAGA
50/50 stollen election


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The Me Decision Desk has just called the New Hampshire Republican Primary for Donald J. Trump.


Some of the Not MAGA think the election was stolen?

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Haley outperforming expectations.

On to South Carolina.

MTG almost certainly correct for once.


If sh can stay in the low teens I think it helps her going forward


Dude, she’s done. If she can’t win in New Hampshire, where can she win?

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I saw roughly

Trump voters 85/15 stollen

Hayley votes 85/15 not stollen

Being the clear second place has a fair bit of equity

Well, at least on paper, former SC governor should do well in SC.

I don’t know much about how primaries work. But I figure the more people she can pull away from Trump, the better the chance that he loses the general

SC is Trump’s Firewall.

Given a choice between President Haley or a coin flip between Biden and Trump…

  • I hate it but I take Haley
  • I take my chances with old man Biden v Trump
  • I’m a coward and glad it’s not up to me
  • Would prefer this pole were anonymous
0 voters

Probably, but maybe Haley is delusional enough to think she has a chance in her home state.

So far, only 3 people did the math before they voted?

President Haley is a 100% bad outcome.