The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

If Trump runs, he wins the nomination. Simple as that (to me).

No, they absolutely wonā€™t. They love Dear Leader.

Woodward and Bernstein thought Nixon defined corruption. Then came Trump.
Perspective by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

As reporters, we had studied Nixon and written about him for nearly half a century, during which we believed with great conviction that never again would America have a president who would trample the national interest and undermine democracy through the audacious pursuit of personal and political self-interest.

And then along came Trump.

The heart of Nixonā€™s criminality was his successful subversion of the electoral process ā€” the most fundamental element of American democracy. He accomplished it through a massive campaign of political espionage, sabotage and disinformation that enabled him to literally determine who his opponent would be in the presidential election of 1972.


Donald Trump not only sought to destroy the electoral system through false claims of voter fraud and unprecedented public intimidation of state election officials, but he also then attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to his duly elected successor, for the first time in American history.

Trumpā€™s diabolical instincts exploited a weakness in the law. In a highly unusual and specific manner, the Electoral Count Act of 1887 says that at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 following a presidential election, the House and Senate will meet in a joint session. The president of the Senate, in this case Vice President Mike Pence, will preside. The electoral votes from the 50 states and the District of Columbia will then be opened and counted.


ā€œGuy canā€™t even keep his wife from getting cancerā€

ā€œDoctor Ronā€

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The only strategy is to Out-Trump Trump. Problem is you come across as knock-off Coke next to the real thing.

I drove a whole bunch in Appalachian Georgia and North Carolina this weekend, and can confirm. There are a ton of Trump signs still up. Many people have modified their 2020 signs to say 2024.

This is very true. To them, he is the American Dream writ large. The whole point of The Greatest Country On Earth is so that an objectively stupid white male who inherited his wealth and canā€™t make a casino profitable can cosplay as a Smart Businessman and by being an asshole and a bully get everything he wants and still complain about it nonstop. He is exactly what they aspire to be.


I mean, if they were smart and/or cared about improving anything they wouldnā€™t still be living in those hellholes. Their whole deal is resentment. Our political system gives the worst people the most power. Not good.

If it makes you feel any better, Czechiaā€™s Donald Trump is set to become president of the country for ten years after being prime minister for four in 2023.

Assuming our current president makes it to next January

Oh and the guy running second to BabiÅ” was a former member of the Czechoslovak Secret Police too!


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What the committee told the public last night:

Bill Barr, who lied about the Mueller report, lied about voter fraud, authorized a sham ā€œinvestigate the investigatorsā€ farce and generally shit all over the rule of law, is a good guy

Mike Pence, a bought and paid for Koch stooge scumbag, is a patriot and hero

Liz Cheney, Liz fucking Cheney, is the best messenger for all of the above

And generally, nothing in politics is legitimate unless Republicans consent

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Iā€™m old enough to remember when my Republican co-workers all thought Dick Cheney was an off-the-rails crazy extremist, if anyone wants to gauge how far the Overton Window has shifted in this country.

Presented without comment

If anyone wants to bet Trump vs DeSantis for the nom at evens, hit me up.

Iā€™ve got Trump, you get DeSantis. Anyone else wins is a push.

Iā€™ll take this bet. How much?

Iā€™ll do anything up to $500, no escrow, settle via paypal.

Nah, DeSantis is better than that. Much better.

Letā€™s do $250. Glglgl





Iā€™ll take Ronny for $100 if you want more action.