The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


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The psychology of those Trump fundraising emails is something I will never understand.


What if instead of italics and font colors from dear leader, it was a Calvin and Hobbes strip with the dad insulting your loyalty for a made up reason?

Remember these people are dumb…I mean, they voted for trump.

The ones that don’t donate probably gave all their money to a Nigerian prince.


Yeah but like the messages are insulting and petulant in tone. And you know, I can write a bunch of stuff like “well they’re authoritarians and they need approval from Daddy” or whatever but just spinning these armchair theories doesn’t get me any closer to understanding it. Like I tend to be a bit of a people-pleaser irl, I think it’s a bit of a character fault of mine, so I have some understanding of that. But the idea that I would give money to a group taking this tone with me in messages is unfathomable.


Doesn’t seem so complicated. People see what happens to traitors. They’ve cursed them themselves. And now the implication is they’re the traitor. Shame works. Threats work. Fear is the fundamental thing. Fear works.

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The Trump campaign has mastered the art of negging.



You’re overthinking things. The people running these grifts are jackoffs who scam old people for a living. Bullying just comes naturally to them.

you are also overthinking it. they have an email marketing platform (something like qualtics), which purports to tailor communication to each subscriber out of 500 different templates based on engagement metrics. it’s relatively dumb logic, but if subs stop engaging, it’s just going to throw the kitchen sink at them. that’s likely what is happening.

Copywriting 101 – More than sufficient to dupe his followers.

Bored at Mar-a-lago, wants to jump back in—not as kingmaker.

Of course he’ll run. I mean was that ever a question?


I want to see him and DeSantis destroy each other. The debates will be epic!

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Trump is indestructible in a debate format. He can have a stroke and shit himself up there and every MAGA dipshit will tell how he absolutely owned the opposition. The shitting himself was a 4D chess commentary or whatever idiocy they want to spew to justify their position.


This was true in 2016 against losers like Jeb! who were too attached to historic norms. Those are gone, and everyone knows it. Trump isn’t a unicorn any longer. Anyone contending for the GOP nomination will have adjusted their strategy.

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Trump is GTO for the MAGA base. There are no adjustments to be made that will allow the opponent to succeed. Trump can’t be exploited.

This too.

I think his strategy is just “Strap on girdle, Snort Adderall, Don’t stop talking, Declare victory regardless of outcome” so as usual the media will decide the winner

I think you’re underestimating how much the relatively educated/rich class of Republicans don’t give a shit about Trump these days. They’d honestly prefer if he went away. They’re with Desantis all the way. The dumb rubes will fall in line.