The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Poll: Texas Voters Back Trump Over Biden by 9 Points”

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“Chris Wallace’s CNN Show Debuts to Humiliating Ratings”

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They blew it!

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Fake poll—Leading by much more than that. Our Country is dying for heavens sake!

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J.D. Vance is far superior to Tim Ryan!

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Seems like a winning defense strategy.

Its this. Theyve been begging him to hold off and he probably figures he can wait until midterms and then tailor the message to either “im running see MAGA election” or “Republicans failed without me, Im the only chance in '24”. Wouldnt be shocked to see an announcement as soon as mid November.

They made a bad decision—It all became boring without “Trump!” They want us back sooo badly!

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Great article—Thank you, Frank!

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Thank you, Ted. 100% correct!

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From the hurricane thread:

You can probably figure out why I put this here

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Eh…. I mean if the republicans sweep the midterms with election-denying executive branch fixers in swing states who will throw the election to him in every swing state, then maybe. BUt otherwise I think he’s a significant dog.

Also, if he waits and Republicans trip over their dicks in the midterms, he can come in with only I can fix it. If they do well, it’s because of his endorsements and he’s going to MAGA.

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Because the judges and lawyers want it to. At best they don’t want the headache of dealing with him. In some cases they are fully onboard team trump.

For the most part, judges aren’t even considering Trump’s fate. It took less than a month for the special master to be stayed unanimously.