The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Oh trust me I’m not saying it’s an impossibility, just that it’s not something he’s necessarily counting on. At this point he might be seeing eternal candidacy as a better option to keep things on hold forever.

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Yeah I definitely agree it’s a good legal strategy for him, I just see it as a double-edged sword. Winning is in his best interest and still possible, but regardless if he announces a run before he’s charged, it’s probably a get out of indictment free card.

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exactly! these dudes like neil “child slavery is awesome” kaytal with his ivy league law degree can’t figure this shit out. it’s fucking embarassing and yet they keep going on TV

Those TV appearances depend on him “not figuring it out.”

“A former president can keep whatever presidential records he wants and the government has no authority to seize them. Period.” @greggjarrett

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Now do covid deaths.


Honestly it’s weird that he hasn’t explicitly said he’s running for president in 2024.

Why hasn’t he done that yet?

I think to avoid making the midterms about him which would be terrible for republicans, but he obviously doesnt give a shit about that so who knows

That’s obviously an extremely non-biased pollster.

Believe it or not, it may at least in part be related to campaign finance laws. Right now, Trump is fundraising and spending via a PAC which can both raise and spend with fewer restrictions than a candidates committee (which he should use once he officially declares ).

[I know we all think Trump doesn’t care about the law, but there are several quotes from Trump in the article that seem to show that he is aware of the rules and is at least trying to technically not declare even while indicating that he is running.]

Also, there is probably a bit of showmanship involved. Playing the will he or won’t he game keeps everybody talking about the run while letting him wait to do the formal “ride down the golden escalator” announcement whenever he thinks it will get the most coverage for him (probably after the midterms, and right around the time some other big name declares so that the other guy has to share the news cycle)


Nah, he does care about the 2022 midterms not because of ideology but because he thinks more Rs in position of power will help tilt the 2024 election towards him. Same reason he was happy to jam through as many judges as possible in 2020.

And those judges would have happily helped Trump if it was anywhere in the vicinity of a Bush v Gore situation (most of them actually did work on Bush’s legal team in 2000) but Trump lost by so much that it surpassed their personal riggage comfort level to try to overturn.

“McLaughlin Poll: Trump a GOP Runaway, Tops Biden by 4, Harris by 9”

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“Exclusive — House GOP Campaign Chief Thanks Trump for Investing in Midterms: ‘Tremendous Partner’”

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“Donald Trump Is Ranked Number 1 Presidential Golfer in History by a Landslide”

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“Trump Regains a Spot in 'Forbes 400' Wealth Ranking; Mark Zuckerberg Plummets Down List Thanks to Cataclysmic Losses”

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