The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Thought this quote really sums up the last few years.

“Maybe from Trump’s point of view, creating delay and chaos is always a plus, but this has the feel of a giant backfire,” said Peter M. Shane, a legal scholar in residence at New York University and a specialist in separation-of-powers law”




I think we should keep the trump bot but ban any future reposting of we got him lolaw tweets.


exactly, it’s amazing that these guys are pros “on the beat” and haven’t figured this out yet

ah well, nevertheless

I predict he will be allowed to just withdraw his request for a special master or claim the 5th or some other bullshit. What are they going to do, hold him in contempt? Might explain why Mr. $3 million up front real lawyer guy disappeared.

it’s this one

the strategy is as it always has been, just spew, see if anything sticks, spew more, waste time. It’s undefeated, why would he do anything differently?

When I was a prosecutor, we used to refer to that in closing as the “spaghetti and meatballs defense.” As in, throw a plate of spaghetti and meatballs at the wall and see if anything sticks. It generally did not work for normal people, but yes, it’s undefeated for Trump.

Why is that?

Because arguing alternative facts and ideas to a jury is a dumb strategy. You need to pick one or maybe two things and pound that. The more you argue the more chances you give the prosecutor to discredit your arguments in front of the jury. Even if some might have merit they see you as not credible.

No I’m asking why the spaghetti and meatball defense works for Trump but not anyone else


I just feel like if people are going to continue insisting as a sure thing that nothing will ever happen to him in the face of overwhelming and damning evidence as multiple investigations continue to close in on him, they should at least have a rational hypothesis for this magical super power of invincibility

I agree money and power are why he’s dodged accountability for this long. But both those things are waning fast

It works because he hasn’t actually been charged with anything! If and when he’s tried for a crime the normal rules suddenly apply. Lol garland


I’m not sure if it will work forever (it absolutely will) but it’s definitely worked so far so he’s absolutely going to keep doing it, yet we still see these dumb tweets from extremely fucking low-iq journalists who keep acting like everything he does is in good faith. The fact that the special master challenged him isn’t a problem for Trump because the only thing he was hoping to accomplish was to muddy the waters, slow things down, etc. Literally everyone said it made no sense when he did it, and it didn’t - IF you thought his goal was to, idk, get the case thrown out? It makes PERFECT sense as a shitposting delay tactic, though. The confused responses from LOL LAW twitter bros PROVES it did exactly what he wanted, none of them could figure out the point, they spent a lot of time talking about the request rather than the crime, time was wasted, etc. Handwaving, smoke, mirrors, misdirection, it’s the same thing EVERY FUCKING TIME and EVERY FUCKING TIME they act like this is the first time they’ve ever encountered Trump using this strategy and give him the full benefit of the doubt and treat it as a 100% good faith tactic.


He’s going to delay this through midterms, announce a run for president, and then everything is going to be put on hold for his candidacy because lol law.


It’s not a ‘backfire’ if the end result of the special master is back where he started with months wasted.

That’s a win or at least a draw with the special master being a free roll.


Exactly this. I mean I don’t even think he has high hopes of getting re-elected at this point, the end goal might be to run out the clock until he croaks, knowing that all investigations will probably stop out of respect for the death of a former President or whatever, and he’ll go into high school history books as a “controvertial figure who polarized many” or some other such bullshit, which is the absolute best he can hope for.

He could absolutely be re-elected. He’s got at least a 40% chance if he wins the nomination, minimum. He could be a favorite at that point.