The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

This is a realistic version of a Garrison comic:


Somebody stop him, that mountain belongs to the people!


he actually thinks heā€™s going to jail and figures this is the only way he can get out of it

Tough choice for Trump:

  1. I go to jail (after leading a life replete with innumerable crimes)

  2. All life on Earth ends due to WW3 (but I donā€™t go to jail)


As a narcissist, probably not a tough choice at all for him. #2 all the way.

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Heā€™s trying to build the Nazi super monument from Danger 5.


My goodness. Trump has terrific abs.

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lol itā€™s truly an anomaly given his attitude towards exercise (kills you faster), his obesity, diet, and not believing in doctors that heā€™s as old as he is. Iā€™m probably gonna die 20 years younger and I try to take care of my health a lot. itā€™s probably one of the biggest reasons I hate him, he should not be alive lol

Hatred is what motivates people like Trump and Kissinger to continue living.

That and ground up kittens.

ā€¦ and then deny him reentry to the US.


Needs to be a bobblehead.

God I so want this redone with Obama as part of Rushmore.

Criminal prosecution for tax evasion? Sure. Civil prosecution because he pulled one over on some evil predatory banks and insurance companies? Pleaseā€¦

Itā€™s a good thing this is happening now and not while he was in office. Imagine if he did get an impeachment conviction

And actual confirmation of the rumored pettiness.

Joe should park the McCain off the coast of Mar a lago as a hurricane relief support ship.

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Unclear whether Trump demanded that the ship be moved, or the people around him were like ā€œJesus Christ we will never hear the fucking end of it from this guy if that ship is thereā€.

Lewandowski agreed to a deal that will see him undergo eight hours of impulse control counseling, serve 50 hours of community service and stay out of trouble for a year. He also paid a $1,000 fine.

Under the agreement, Lewandowski did not have to admit guilt, and once the conditions are met, the charges will be dismissed.

Really? I think we can make an educated guess here.

Wow, Trumpā€™s in a real ā€œpickleā€ here. Seems like the court is requiring him to do something that will certainly get him in more trouble. So weā€™ll see what happens when he doesnā€™t do anything (hint: nothing)

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