The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Guess I need to reevaluate my opinion of the man. Here I thought he was just a gaseous carnival barker with a talent for self promotion. But you guys think he’s smart enough to out level all these top notch lawyers, AGs, politicians, and every one of his enemies. Maybe he really is like a really smart stable genius who knows the best words?

Can you give an example? Every judge I can think of has ruled against him including the ones he’s appointed with the exception of that ditz Cannon. It does seem a few prosecutors might not want to the headache tho. But James and Willis don’t seem the type. And everyone is assuming Garland’s a wimp, but we don’t know that yet

He has learned a button mashing and delay delay delay strategy. He is raising every time and no one calls his bluff.

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Pretty much every swing state has a Republican legislature.

Man that’s a depressing map

Oh I get it, you’re being sarcastic. So you think I’m actually wrong and he hasn’t wriggled out of every jam so far?

Note I never said Trump was a genius, like, you don’t have to be a genius to realize something works and just keep doing it forever because it keeps working every time!

but neil katyal went to YALE

Ah well, nevertheless

Delay, delay, delay. All victories for Trump, just string it along YET AGAIN

So…he can tell which ones were planted by looking at them?

I believe this Judge Cannon is 40 years old. She’s gonna be around for decades.

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Who could have ever seen it coming.

Hilariously, I truly think this guy is genuinely shocked.

I’d like to see ol’ Donny indefinitely delay the need to wriggle out of this one!


“The American Freedom Tour, which struck a multimillion-dollar deal with Trump after he left office, has lost two top executives and canceled events in a number of locations as it has failed to pay its bills… Its founder and owner, who has a history of bankruptcy filings, recently sought bankruptcy protection again.”

“The group has promised events in a number of locales but canceled them before they began and appears to be banking on a large event at Mar-a-Lago in December to turn its financial position around.”


Fun fact we are 2 days from the… 6, yes 6 year anniversary of the “wriggle his way” tweet. And people still think he’s getting got or going to have any consequences.


No she will be on SCOTUS somehow on or about 1/25/25.

Dearie should resign. No reason for him to play along if Cannon is going to be countermanding every order he issues. I hope he got paid in advance.

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“Wriggle” is the GOAT Trump zero accountability tweet. I’ve also got this one as a strong up and comer:

oh man. why didn’t they do that? they should totally do a show with trmp where they reveal live the evidence that 2020 was stolen and get his reaction faces.

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