The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’m old enough to remember five minutes ago when I was being assured that the special master was BAD NEWS for trump


Yeah, this.

I mean even fucking lab rats will keep pressing the same button if it rewards them with food or whatever. Realizing that isn’t smart, it’s like a notch above being barely sentient.

I thought all the classified docs were out of this special master bullshit so it doesn’t matter much?

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You thought right.

(Which would seemingly be a good reason not to issue a terrible opinion.)

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He’s still on the federal payroll. He’s not being paid extra for this (I think).

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Somebody DM this guy an invite.


Here we go again! Another Fake book is out, this one, supposedly very boring and stale, by self appointed head case, Failing (unfunded liability!) New York Times writer, Maggie Hagerman. In it she tells many made up stories, with zero fact checking or confirmation by anyone who would know, like me. In one case she lies about me wanting to fire my daughter, Ivanka, and Jared. WRONG, pure fiction. Never even crossed my mind. Just have to fight trouble making creeps like Maggie, and all the rest!

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Yeah but you can’t PROVE that he won’t be arrested any day now. So obviously that’s going to happen because just look at all the laws he broke. He can’t get away with this!

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I like that he’s copied the Occupy Democrats tweet style. RETWEET NOW TO STOP COMMUNISM!!!

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Will see you tomorrow, MICHIGAN!

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(video TRUTH)

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After checking, that’s only true because he declined to take extra payment. Trump was expected to pay the cost and Dearie did ask for $500/hr for an assistant. At any rate it doesn’t seem like he can be compelled to do work just for Cannon to render it pointless (and is pointless anyway) so he should just quit imo.