The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

They’re not just bullshitters, they’re really bad at it.



Is it really, though? Like I thought they telegraphed it in advance, and I thought they might try it in advance or during counting. Turns out they waited til they had already lost to consider it (as far as we know) and then backed out of it.

June 2020:

May 2020:

Or investigating Biden, maybe investigating a left wing plot to hack some voting machines in Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee. Oops sorry gotta seize those as evidence!

January 2020:

Not kink shaming, but is there any segment that screams “I’m a furry!” more than this one?

Tbf, even uber toady Barr resigned when he got wind of what Trump was up to. Doj and fbi would have revolted.

The memo has the DOD seizing the machines, which is illegal on it’s face. It appears to be the literally insane work of Sidney Powell. It was fine with Trump but even Hannity and Jim Jordan threw a shit fit and the WH lawyers threatened to resign. The true craziness is that so many have “stuck” with trump, at least retorically, though it’s pretty clear McConnell is done with him.

Someone still needs to explain to me how the Justice Department “revolting” stops anything. If everyone with a shred of integrity resigns that’s great for the wannabe authoritarian fascist who gets to replace them.


They don’t realize how crazy it sounds that voting machine companies would want to rig elections? Not exactly a great business model for them. Would be like construction companies intentionally building flawed bridges just to watch them fall. Was Barron going to prove how the machines were rigged? Who was going to be tasked with that? And who were they going to invite to watch their work? Obviously, they don’t care about proving their allegations. They just think they can blow smoke out their ass, and we’ll all be fine with it.

Real or onion?

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Real. Onion things are supposed to be parodies and absurdities, not standard shit that Trump spouts.

In LaLa land, this sends the bat signal to our Hero Mitch McConnell and he whips the votes to impeach and convict immediately.

It does seem that what finally got Trump to give up from January 7th to Biden’s Inauguration was the credible threat from Rs to impeach and remove but the frog has now been completely boiled and the rail guards are all gone for the next Trump.

Yeah that whole plan of theirs is bonkers but it would have at least done a huge amount of damage and very well could have worked. They won’t have the same restraint next time, although there probably won’t be a next time because voting rights are kaput.

But it would be great for the next company willing to play ball with the incoming fascist government, they’d have an unmitigated monopoly as long as they continued to produce the expected results. Of course, the company would be a subsidiary of a mega donor that now owns a perma-seat on the round table of American oligarchs.

Lol, you sweet summer child. Quoted for 2023.

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And left beyond the loyalists to carry out the plot?

And we know that would have stopped them, what with their abundant respect for the law!

If he was done with him, he would have provided the votes to convict him on impeachment and bar him from public office.

I am still to this day amazed they didn’t just show up in Philly, Pittsburgh, etc to the vote counting centers and burn them to the ground or shoot them up and steal the votes. They being like the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys or whatever.

Like, the Trump lead was narrowing by the hour, everyone knew the ballots in those cities were like 80/20 or 90/10 Biden, everyone knew there were tons of them left. The local news was standing outside the building where they were, and the weak before they did a live tour on TV showing the area where the ballots were being held, which was like an indoor fenced in area with one guard.

Literally all they needed to do was have like 4 lunatics in a militia show up, smash and grab, or run in there with some gasoline and pour it on the ballots and throw a match, boom, that’s that. Trump wins Pennsylvania, no recourse. I’m sure similar methods would have worked in Atlanta and Detroit.

I was terrified about that leading up to the election, and it turns out the lunatics were just too stupid to think of it, so instead they waited two months and stormed the Capitol.


This is exactly right, it was so obvious this would work and I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t happening.

They won’t make the same mistake twice.

The maricopa county election center has a small public reception area but the rest of the building is relatively secure and there’s always at least one deputy on duty.

The first night there were protests, a small group did enter the building. They did not breach any secure areas and didn’t seem to know what to do. I think they had a trump banner or something. After a couple of minutes they were asked to leave and escorted out.

The next morning the area was completely locked down with dozens of cops and by noon there was a temporary perimeter fence erected around the building with controlled access and a protest zone in the parking lot.

I sort of felt like I was the only one thinking about the possibility of a militia storming in or a bombing or whatever but I’ll bet I wasn’t. I don’t think they’ll ever again have such an unimpeded opportunity as they did that first night.


During the recount in 2000 didn’t people get inside the building to stop recount? I vaguely remember something like that happening.


The Fulton County ballots were all counted in one place that was on TV and completely devoid of security.