The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

The only known instance of mail in voter fraud was perpetrated by Trump’s current press secretary.


That’s an astonishing amount of dick jokes in a single political ad


Maduro needs nukes.




“John Bolton was a grossly incompetent liar so I fired him after 18 months” Is the sort of thing that really inspires confidence!

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So what’s going to happen when Barr directs the FBI to seize a bunch of mail-in ballots from PA, MI, WI, AZ, etc a few days before the election? They’ll just remove all the “fraudulent” ones, I guess?

At this point I’ll be surprised if they don’t use voter fraud as an excuse to seize ballots and/or voting machines in big cities in swing states. It’s been my theory for a while, and they’re basically showing us the playbook right now.

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Because you know trump is in these secret meetings but doesn’t realise that they’re plotting. He thinks it’s a legitimate crusade because he is the base.


I’m not sure if that will overcome the power of Facebook, but let’s give it a shot

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )


Yup, 100%. When I’ve talked about the importance of being prepared to revolt on November 4, my friends have been saying that I shouldn’t worry; once the election is certified, it’s over.

Like, the Republican’s election theft attempt takes this into account. It will be specifically designed to make a certifiable election result impossible.

Then there will be two sides on a contested election, which will present an aura of equivalence. And Republicans will be screaming “AND IN ADDITION there’s (insert foreign interference, illegal immigrants voting, BLM intimidation, COVID) so clearly we won and will fight this thing through to the bitter end which will certainly be well after Jan 20, 2021 and you cannot under any circumstances remove Trump from the White House because to do so would be to turn America into a democrat-led dictatorship.”

And then the MSM will be like “There are misrepresentations in that argument but also important kernels of fact!” and we’ll be permanently fucked.

It is therefore imperative that we prepare for something that will make the BLM protests look like a walk in the park for these people.


Good. I want a ballot from Bora Bora,

Sounds like ballot collections are going to be the hot new thing. Imagine a tiny country making an error on a ballot and how rare it would be.

“You won’t believe it! I got Drumpf-Nauru. Christie’s is already trying to arrange an auction!”

He is giving himself away that is for sure.

It continues to be massively disheartening that the Democrats don’t have the desire, will, or ability to fight.

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One important thing we all should be prepared for is that, given what will probably be a larger than typical number of absentee ballots, the election results won’t actually be in for a few days after the election. In many states the votes only have to be postmarked by election day, so several states could remain too close to call for a while, and might even have results shift after election night.

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Cant the states tell the FBI to fuck off? Many of the swing states have dem governors right?

Thanks to John Roberts of all people states have pretty wide latitude in running elections. This cuts both ways, obviously.

/Thread :point_up_2::man_facepalming: