The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

It’s kind of hilarious, if you think about it. They had a couple thousand people storm the Capitol two months after the election, but if they just had like the dude with zip ties and a couple of his ex-military buddies walk into the vote counting centers in three states, they win. Like 12 people, max.

I’m not even convinced they would have had to fire a shot or set anything on fire. I think if me and Riverman dressed up in suits and walked in there and acted like big shit, it’s even money that we could have walked out with all the ballots. God forbid if we picked up some police uniforms or something. Like, there was one dude guarding it! One!

They probably could have set some donuts around the corner, waited for the scent to drift in, and rolled in while the cop was stuffing his face.

Yeah I mean I wasn’t there in person, but what they showed on TV for Philly looked extremely insecure. They had the mail-in ballots that were arriving early literally just piled up in bins or whatever in like a cage in the corner and one guy guarding it.

Obviously if they break in once and then stand their in the lobby like the dog who caught the car, it won’t be so easy the next day. But they had a golden opportunity and didn’t even try.

I’m not so convinced anyone was ready for it, I mean, everyone I mentioned my fears to laughed at me like I was a fucking dipshit. My favorite part is even after that executive order was publicized and after 1/6, I’m still a conspiracy theorist to them. I was also a dipshit when I said Omicron might not confer lasting immunity against other variants, and I’m still a dipshit to them now that it does not. I’m also a conspiracy theory peddling dipshit for thinking Republicans are going to change the laws so the state legislature can award electors to whoever they want in gerrymandered states if they take the trifecta, or suppress the vote so much that they basically can’t lose.

But every time I’m right, it’s… WhO cOuLd HaVe SeEn ThAt CoMiNg?

Then it gets memory holed within 48 hours.

Normie BrainTM is a helluva thing.

Yeah but those little old ladies looked scrappy and determined. I think they’d have fought off Viking hat guy or podium stealing moron. Zip ties guy, maybe not so much.

Georgia passed a law allowing for the GOP to take over elections in democratic counties, there will not be an honest count next time, period.

I think we’re fucked with an honest count too, unless the democrats become different people with different priorities and different funding sources in the next year.

Yeah I’ve mentioned that to my friends. Most of them feel pretty confident that it didn’t happen, that there’s no way there won’t be an honest count, and that there’s no way the EVs won’t go to the popular vote winner in each state. They assure me I’m a conspiratorial fool for thinking there’s even a slight chance otherwise.

My favorite is the very intelligent, liberal, establishment-aligned friend who keeps listening to me explain these various things about the elections, covid, etc, and just pauses and goes, “Well, it doesn’t feel like that’s what’s going to happen, so…”

Maybe once every 2-3 months he has a moment of clarity, admits to being terrified beyond what he can process/handle, then willfully goes back into the, “I don’t feel like that’s going to happen,” frame.

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I think we’re going to find out if rigging the count is easier said than done. Seems like there’s a degree of expertise needed to do it without getting caught.

Man, I think if they became different people with different priorities and different funding sources in the next year, they’d still be pretty fucked but at least they’d have a fighting chance. Like I feel if you picked 5-10 of us to take over the presidency and steer the party, it’s pretty much too late already.

Like, step one would probably be putting Merrick Garland on a slow boat to wherever the fuck and putting an AG in who’s ready to bare knuckles brawl, and step two would be hiring a bunch of constitutional lawyers to push our executive order powers as far as possible, but at the end of the day they’ve already played their hand (poorly) on Manchin/Sinema, and failed.

Like, how much does forgiving student debt really get us in the midterms?

I’d give us a fair chance at the presidency in 2024, though. Two years to try to do everything possible through the DOJ to protect elections plus two years of renewing student debt forgiveness every 6 months, with a promise to keep doing it if we won… and literally just doing everything possible with EOs.

I think Biden should also be signing EOs he knows will get tossed in court. We know he has that in his arsenal because of how he did the vaccine mandates. I mean, if he signed an EO next year saying, “I hereby give every American $1,400,” imagine the coverage. Republicans sue to block checks to every American, SCOTUS rules against him 9-0, he runs ads saying, “I want to give you $1,400, but the mean Republicans sued me and their mean Supreme Court stopped me. Give me Congress and it’s yours.”

Do shit like that on every issue. Make it obvious you’re fighting for it every way possible, blame the L’s on the GOP, run on it.

I know to educated people who know how all of that stuff works it sounds ridiculously stupid, but I’d just point you to the shit the other party is saying, running on, and winning on.


Think when, not if, Trump true believers take key election positions like Secretary of State in the 2022 is when I will finally internalize that they are really just going to outright rig elections.

Don’t think enough of the R current officeholders have the stomach for it but that is very likely to change in the upcoming red wave.

It was more confidence. I talked to these people on forums before the election. They were legit 100% certain Trump was going to landslide the election and there was no need for them to go to extremes.

Next time if Trump is running and is talking his extremism they will definitely do doing all the insane shit we were all worried about last election. Sadly they wouldn’t even need too with how shit Biden has been plus the new voter suppression.


Good point, and I agree. We’re on track to lose badly straight up, so they won’t even have to do anything.

I think they’ll try, but I’m not convinced they’ll be able to do it flawlessly. Like I can see where there can be some obvious fails. I think they’ll be mainly trying to throw out votes before they get counted, because if they actually go through the system, it’ll be pretty hard to change the outcome at that point. Results that don’t seem right will be manually recounted. People with expertise in a given location will be able to immediately recognize vote counts that don’t seem right, and then the fun begins.

I mean when you’re in charge of setting up the machines, turning them on, making sure there are enough machines/cords/staff, turning in the ballots, running them through the tabulators, turning in the hard disks or whatever with the totals, running them through the main machine or whatever the process is… When you’re in charge of moving the ballots and machines around… And when you know the political breakdown… It’s not that complicated.

Georgia was won by less than 12,000 votes. Biden got 85% in Clayton County out of 112K, 83% in DeKalb out of 370K, and 73% in Fulton out of 524K. Plus there are precincts that will be even more stark.

But all I need to do is disappear 10% of the ballots in Fulton and I’ve knocked out an expected Biden +24K margin.

Sure but then it becomes, “Oh now you don’t trust the results, libtard? Convenient how you won when you ran the show and cheated, but now that the beyond reproach Republicans ran it, suddenly your turnout was down 10%. Hmm, guess we know how many people voted twice last time!”

Like at the end of the day you either find those ballots or you’ve got nothing. And even if you find them, then it just becomes, “Oh those are the ones you manufactured and couldn’t sneak in this year, huh?”

Now it’s game on, and the clock is ticking. Those votes weren’t counted, that election has to be certified by a set date, and we know if they don’t get counted in time, SCOTUS is going to laugh the Dems out of the court. So now a Trumpy Secretary of State is saying, “Look, we only count what was there on election night, these weren’t there, it really doesn’t matter. If those are fake ballots, we kept them out, great job. If they’re real, then you Dem losers were too incompetent to turn all your ballots in, jokes on you because we can’t just trust that they’re real!”

And at the end of the day, all the GOP has to do is destroy the ballots if they are found and turned in. “Those are fake, we can’t risk them getting mixed in, we’re destroying them.” Even if SCOTUS rules against them, there’s no remedy, so it’ll just be a strongly worded letter about not doing that again next time… and a white hot dissent from Sotomayor, which will excite the law bros and otherwise be a waste of ink.


I’ve given up hope completely. The decision is whether to stay or leave and when.


Aren’t there vendors doing a lot of this stuff though? Its one thing to corrupt the elections office officials, but it seems like another animal to try to corrupt the vendors as well. I guess I’m saying that the corruption will occur more with votes being kept out of machines, or being disqualified for bogus reasons rather than running them through and then trying to change the result.

They are going to start doing what they think Ds already do. Throwing D leaning ballots in the dumpster, encouraging their R friends to submit fraudulent ballots and letting them slip through. And also easy to do stuff like capriciously deny D leaning votes/registrations based on technicalities/allegedly not filling out forms perfectly and encourage intimidation of D voters by Oathkeepers, etc.

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The ballgame is when people start getting jailed or killed for telling the truth. We are a lot closer to that than most would admit.

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Right. Much easier to get away with this kind of voter suppression than it is to actually flip votes.

Redacted for privacy.

And the vast majority of that “miracle” is “eDem status quo”.

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I think election officials and volunteers handle a lot (all?) of the processing, counting, and transporting of ballots.

I agree. I think Russia has a better chance of hacking in and changing the numbers than the GOP does. I think if the GOP tried, the most likely outcome would be that the posted results for Georgia’s state election website saying:

Hello world! Trump won a lot to a little. The tally was Donald Trump 8,000,000 to Sleepy Joe Bidon 950,000 to peach cobbler is good, go dawgs! Suck it libs!

Then after about five minutes the server would just crash.

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