The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

We’re at the stage of teachers and school administrators getting death threats for teaching about the civil rights movement or requiring masks. Defendants getting 6 month jail sentences for rolling their eyes at a judge. Nurses and doctors being threatened or assaulted for administering vaccines or wearing masks in covid wards. The cops can pull you over and just take your money for no reason, let alone kill anyone they want with near impunity. You don’t want to hear the voicemails reporters are getting.

Not even just political reporters. My buddy who covers the Giants got death threats from a stalker for writing negative articles about Eli Manning. Like “I know where you and your family live, better watch out, I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t show Eli some respect,” level shit. Over fucking football.

Matter of time before reporters, teachers, and nurses/doctors start getting shot.

For 10+ years, yes. Like at this point the only path through this is somehow binking the governor’s races in PA, WI, and MI this year. Might be one in AZ too. Then we’ve gotta bink the presidential in 2024. There’s virtually zero chance we have over 50 senators, so we’re back where we started… Although I guess there’s a slight chance we’ve swapped Sinema and Manchin for two new ones (Sinema via a primary, Manchin by losing his seat and winning elsewhere) who support nuking the filibuster. Even in that MIRACLE outcome, we only get it nuked for voting rights, but that let’s us survive long enough for progressives to play a long game and win.

If we don’t bink the perfect 50 to nuke it, we are back in the same spot. Nothing gets done, we are running someone in 2028 again just desperately trying to hang on. Maybe by 2032 or 2036 if we manage to keep white knuckling it, enough Boomers are gone that we have a chance at shifting things in this country towards the left.

But keep in mind that means that at no point in that entire time does the GOP pick up:

A trifecta in any two of: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona
A trifecta federally

Then on top of that there’s the scenario where we cling to all that, eek out a win in 2024, and a GOP Congress won’t certify.

But yeah the odds of progressive change between now and like 2032 are 0%. The odds our democracy is still meaningfully in tact at that point in time are probably < 5% maybe < 10% if we’re being really optimistic.

The odds the majority of the country thinks we still have a functional democracy are probably 90%, which will make it that much more frustrating.

There are no outs left in the deck for our empire. We burned through all of the runner runner equity this year. Now the only question is how fast it will collapse and how bad it will be. But it’s definitely collapsing in our lifetimes. Probably good riddance too.

The older I get the more aware I get of just how fucked up our entire situation is. It really is our past sins coming back to bite us.

dude you seem invested in staying with empire status or all is lost for some reason

The major issue with this scenario is that even if somehow the US manages to escape the shackles of fascism it will be too late to address the impending climate change catastrophe.

I mean, I’d rather the USA still be the superpower than China, but I’m much more concerned with maintaining and strengthening our fledgling democracy and attempting to gracefully exit stage left from being the dominant empire, rather than going out in a blaze of glory star-spangled catastrophe.

Yeah I’ve given up all hope of us doing anything meaningful on it, or humans period, until it’s way too late. I expect it to mostly be every man for himself in USA#1 and we’ll all hope there’s still some land left to try to survive on, and that the tornadoes, wildfires, floods, etc don’t pick our town/neighborhood.

If I’m able to buy a house, I plan on getting solar and getting off the grid with battery backup in case of extended outages, getting the air filters for my HVAC system that are graded to keep out wildfire smoke, and setting up a comfortable and possibly fortified space in the basement to ride out tornado warnings.

I don’t think the wildfires will get to PA anytime soon, but shit, the smoke from the west coast bothers my asthma a bit on the big ones, so anything in the Southeast will be a nightmare. I had four tornado warnings last year, and a total of two the previous three years. I experienced zero in this part of the country my first 32 years alive. Last year a small section of the town I’m in flooded, and a few roads near me flooded.

So for a while moving forward I expect increases in the frequency and strength of natural disasters, and hopefully that’s as bad as it gets for a while and we hit a miracle and manage to do something to slow it down or reverse it.

My guess is that there won’t be meaningful resolve in the US to do anything until home insurance becomes unaffordable for the middle class. Like, as far as I’m concerned, insurance companies still have their heads in the sand.

In the last six years, the cost of homeowners insurance in Florida has gone up 32.5%. I highly doubt that’s enough to offset the actual current risks of catastrophic storm damage. We’re having longer hurricane seasons, and larger and more powerful storms. Meanwhile, I don’t own in PA but I haven’t heard a single person complain about rates going up, so I assume they haven’t noticeably. Meanwhile we’ve got floods and tornadoes happening, and I would be shocked if those were freak one-offs. But that’s what the vast majority of people still think they were.

These weren’t just small tornadoes that ripped a few shingles off, either. There was an F3 here and another F3 in South Jersey, and I believe a strong F2 as well. The F3’s tore up commercial buildings here and mobile homes, and the one in South Jersey tore up some high six figure to low seven figure homes. A few completely collapsed.

Anyway, at some point insurance companies are going to recognize the risk, premiums will skyrocket, and a lot of people won’t be able to afford them. You can’t have a mortgage without homeowner’s insurance, so… Something’s going to have to change in a big way, and it’s not going to be good. That’s when I think people will say, “OK, maybe we should try to do something about this.”

But it’ll probably be way too late. This should happen first in coastal parts of Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico.

No, it’s more that I know just how load bearing our imperial status is to the US. We haven’t built any protections for ourselves in the event of losing our empire.

I mostly want us to start moving towards attempting a soft landing as we lose altitude, but our leaders are all in on trying to stay an empire even though the writing is already written on the wall in blood.

I don’t even @anon38180840 that we’re a better choice for global superpower than China. Any atrocity you (correctly) care to lay at their feet we’ve usually done worse, especially on a per capita basis.

But as a citizen of this country who has spent most of his lifetime study hours on econ/history I’m absolutely terrified of what will happen when we let go of the tiger we’re riding’s ears… and we keep agreeing to buy more time as a superpower in exchange for making the tiger bigger.

Can you imagine?

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lol children - Ivanka Trump [Born]: 30 October 1981 (age 40 years)

They should ask to interview Barron.

Mentally she’s a 4 year old though.

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C’mon man everyone knows you’re not allowed to go after politicians kids until they’re… [Googles Hunter Biden’s age]… at least 50 years old.


Trump being the only person who takes these 1/6 subpoenas seriously is endlessly entertaining to me.

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The guy who indicted Bannon took them seriously.

Lol Bannon remains free and in fact openly mocks the proceedings on his podcast while suffering no consequences whatsoever


He probably shit himself when the Post Office police caught up with him. So there’s that.

But the shame though.

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Fucked out of his tiny little mind :clown_face:

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Major Kendall Roy energy