The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Are the people they consider crazy really crazy or just competing grifters?

Christ-like genius, this man is:


This thread or LOL LAW?

Dems throwing all their political capital into getting Trump is going to be amazing when DeSantis becomes the nominee. gjge

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we got him

And then wins the Presidency and pardons Trump


Shhh. Itā€™s a secret.

But Trump never went to the Capitol and instead returned to the White House, where he watched the attack unfold on television ā€“ after being informed by the Secret Service before the insurrection that they could not guarantee his security if he marched to the Capitol.

The select committee is now trying to untangle whether Trump made a promise that he perhaps had no intention of honoring because he hoped to incite an insurrection that stopped the certification ā€“ his only remaining play to get a second term ā€“ one of the sources said.

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I donā€™t know. It implies an exclusivity that probably isnā€™t there. Like most people identify with the President more than the party so youā€™d expect Trumpā€™s numbers to continue dropping after leaving office. Doesnā€™t mean they wonā€™t spike up closer to election time

Iā€™m wondering what method Trumpā€™s going to try and use to stay in power after his second termif heā€™s elected?

ā€œThey stole my reelection in 2020 so Iā€™m entitled to another termā€ 100%

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Thatā€™ll never work because the Supreme Court would never allow it.


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@Devil , werenā€™t we just talking about how we need domestic chip foundries?

Yeah. Except I donā€™t know that we really need them. Maybe. Because itā€™s better to have the source closer to where the demand is. And also because then we absorb more of the environmental cost of making our stuff. It insulates us from geopolitics. And jobs and education are good. But just because conditions for this seem favorable atm it doesnā€™t mean they will stay that way long.

Iā€™ve seen a few of these proposed projects be announced and even ground broken, but because they take years to actually put up, thereā€™s plenty of time for conditions to change and companies to change their minds. Like pretty recently, when (lol ironically named) Foxconn promised Trump theyā€™d build an LCD factory in Wisconsin.

Iā€™m in favor. But I donā€™t know that Biden/Ohio will ever actually get their factory.


It may not be him personally. Might be his kid. But if he loses the election, he just has to say ā€œwelp, looks like thereā€™s massive fraud again, so we winā€. And if the cops are on his side, and the military is on his side, and the gun freaks with AR-15s are on his side, whoā€™s going to stop him?

Last time, FOX News tried to nuke him and failed. I feel like they will try again and be more prepared. Itā€™s now obvious heā€™s such a fucking imbecile he will fuck things up for rich people with his pettiness and narcissism. DeSantis is a dream come true.

This is the fucking craziest thing ever. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s what caused the whole WH counselā€™s office to threaten to quit, which Hannity referenced in a text.

I mean it took 5 years to understand what some others have noticed. Trump basically believes The Secret/Law of Attraction to his coreā€“that you can imagine reality into being. He doesnā€™t balk at conflicts with reality, because he doesnā€™t really believe in reality as a concept.