The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“In olden days, he would tell firms representing him was a benefit because they could advertise off it. Today it’s not the same,” said Michael Cohen, a former lawyer for Trump who was convicted of tax evasion, false statements, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress in 2018. “He’s also a very difficult client in that he’s always pushing the envelope, he rarely listens to sound legal advice, and he wants you to do things that are not appropriate, ethically or legally.”

Are you referring to the sanctions he implemented against Russia? Or the selling of weapons to Ukraine? Or blocking the Russian gas pipeline with Germany? Or when he bombed Russian military bases? I’m not saying Trump isn’t beholden to Russian oligarchs. Or that his campaign team didn’t try to use Russian interference in the 2016 election. All I’m saying is that the whole 2 year debacle of how Trump himself colluded with Russia was a colossal waste of time

Ding ding ding ding!

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I am referring to the only change to the GOP platform Trump wanted in 2016 which was to not provide lethal weapons to Ukraine. Think about why Trump who is not exactly a foreign policy wonk or a dove would want to do that. You think he came up with that himself?

He later blackmailed Zelenskyy by blocking a $400 military aid package approved by congress. Only after his blackmail attempt became public did he release it.

So whatever weapons were provided or sanctions imposed happened despite of Trump not because of.

I can think of one which is Syrian air base and the Trump administration warned Russia beforehand of the planned strike. So he caused them some minor inconvenience.

Didn’t exactly block it. The project had kept going until Russia invaded Ukraine.

lol, this again. trmp only implemented sanctions already required by congress passed law, and they dragged their feet on it plenty, read up on mnuchin personally removing deripaska from sanctions. trmp did more to help russia by neutering the US Dept of State, first by rex cutting its budget, then by pompeo being pompeo.

rex was literally awarded by putin for being a friend.

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I’m always forced into taking devil’s advocate positions on this forum that I don’t even necessarily myself agree with because I refuse to participate in the herd mentality of group think. The faux outrage over Russian interference when the United States interferes with foreign governments and their elections ALL THE TIME is hypocritical to say the least. Trump is a monster who I’m sure would never refuse the help of a foreign power to advance his self serving agenda even at the detriment to his own country. All I’m saying is that the situation is very different this time and much more serious and I think the refusal to see it as such is borderline delusional

No one is forcing you to do anything. Also, I’m not sure if you truly understand the concepts of herd mentality and groupthink. Those aren’t merely having the same stated policy preferences.

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A true American hero


Do you get the impression that most people here support the US interfering with foreign elections all the time?


Isn’t he talking about the fake outrage from the US media and US govt/politicians?

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I don’t think so, given the first sentence of his post refers to being forced to take devil’s advocate positions on this forum.


OK, so how much jail time to you think Orange Man is going to get for these very serious crimes.

Forced was the wrong word. Compelled is more correct. I hate seeing people blindly taking what’s force fed to them via MSM. We can agree that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. But to buy into all the crap that it’s not something this country has ever done, or that he personally colluded with Russia, or especially that it’s somehow no different than inciting an insurrection, or pressuring a state official to change the vote count, or stealing classified documents, or… just on and on and that nothing will ever become of it is an insane take imo. The circumstances surrounding the most recent events are very different and there’s no logical reason to think the numerous investigations into these crimes will be for naught


This derail is awful, ruining an otherwise great thread.

Just give up, Cactus. Your point is so minor that it’s not worth rehashing the Mueller episode over, and most people here agree that episode was overblown anyways. Replace it with the smoking gun of your choosing. It doesn’t really matter. You have hope that this time wegothim.jpg. Gotcha, I hope you’re right.

Moving on, you’ve gotta love the Fulton DA investigation fucking with Kemp:

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all but one of those had expired, it’s not like if we banned him it’d matter though, not like the russians give a shit about that sort of thing

Your characterization of posters on this forum is way off.


This is what is called a “red flag.”


There are some contrarians who sound so similar that I wonder if they’re being force-fed talking points by alternative media.